Provides a new version of RM System Proxy and RM Vista Activation Proxy, to fix issues with the proxy bypass list.
DriversPackagesFor more information about importing drivers, see Drivers Help.
Packages & Products > Specify the locations to be displayed in the overview Specifying the locations to be displayed in the ...
Provides a new version of the RM Client Security Module which fixes the Start menu issue on CC4 Access servers.
Explains why an error message "Error while loading prediction database" is displayed while running Clicker 7 on a Community Connect 4 network.
Describes the various options available when enrolling computers into Intune.
Updates the group permissions for Network Manager group on CC4.
Describes how to identify which version of RM Tutor is installed on your CC4 network.
Details an issue where computers fail to build successfully if a standard RM registry policy has been deleted from the RM Management Console.