... the procedure to run the Server Cleanup Wizard on the Microsoft Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server on a Community Connect 4 network.
Details a known issue with the mapping of printers if various Windows updates are installed.
... instances of Crypt32 Event ID 8 messages appearing in the application event log on Microsoft Windows Server 2012R2 on a Community Connect network.
After a restart, RM Smart Client does not start, instead a Desktop Window is open.
Provides advice to customers about a recent Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app vulnerability.
Step-by-step instructions for changing the text displayed on the RM logon window on Community Connect 4.
After a restart, RM Smart Client does not start, instead a Desktop Window is open.
By default any user can create a shortcut to C:\Windows\System32\reg.exe.
When you add more than one application to a window in the RMMC without saving in between an error is generated.