Background content for supportnewsletterissue30movingtowindows10.pdf
Overview of tasks (jobs): how they work, how to trace execution, and when they are deleted.
A download of the Release Note for Windows 10 v1909 on Community Connect 4 (CC4) networks.
Explains how to add a drive mapping to a share that resides on a Member server using the Community Connect 4 (CC4) RM Management Console.
Information on what you should consider when planning the move from Windows 7 to Windows 10.
Describes how to use DPInst to install drivers in order, as part of the CC4 automated build process.
Provides an FAQ for keeping Windows 10 up-to-date on CC4 networks.
CC4 Windows 10, CC4 Access Server 2016 and Server 2019 Start menu duplicate shortcuts do not appear in multiple program sets.
Build disks which have had drivers added to them will not successfully generate if a user has deleted one or more of the drivers from the RMMC.
CC4 package installation fails because Windows Installer is currently installing or configuring another package.