Edit Test Computers windowThis windows enables you to add or remove computers from the test group for updates.
Users > Managing user properties > View computers for a privileged userViewing computers for a privileged userA privileged user has a greater degree ...
Computers > Managing ComputersManaging computers: overviewThe RM Management Console identifies a computer by its Windows computer name.
Provides the recommended procedure for determining the maximum number of simultaneous builds which can be supported on Community Connect 4 (CC4) and ...
... "Unhandled exception" error while saving the properties of a server from the Computers node, on a CC4 network where RM Network Recycle Bin (NRB) is installed.
Up-to-date details of the known issues with CC4 Windows 10 version 20H2, 21H2 and 22H2 computers.
I want to find out if a group of computers in a particular room are being utilised fully.
... 'Name and Connectivity Server' to locate and connect to student computers in LAN/wireless LAN environments, particularly where students move with their ...