Explains why the list of all updates in the RM Management Console (RMMC) can take time to load on a Community Connect 4 (CC4) network.
Microsoft are removing Adobe Flash Player from Windows operating systems.
PowerShell script to remotely query Windows computers to determine if protected against Speculation Control Exploit (Meltdown\Spectre).
Background content for windows_10_v21h2_for_cc4_release_note.pdf
Describes known issues you might experience while using the Microsoft Windows Server Update Services (Microsoft WSUS) on your CC4 network and how to ...
... the procedure to run the Server Cleanup Wizard on the Microsoft Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server on a Community Connect 4 network.
It is possible to start the Community Connect 4 (CC4) computer build process by booting to the network (rather than CD or USB drives).
... mitigate the risk of some backup software not being able to backup files that have been encrypted with the Encrypting File System (EFS) on Windows .
Explains how to resolve instances of NETLOGON Event ID 5722 messages appearing in the system Event Log on Microsoft® Windows domain controllers.
High CPU and server performance degradation will be seen if both are enabled on a CC4.5 server or CC4 CoP server.