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CC4 Help

... window allows you to choose to:Enable logging for package deployment tasksShow system packagesTemporarily wake up computers for deployment.

CC4 Help

WebHelp 5.50

CC4 Help

Under 'Target computers and locations', click the Add button.

CC4 Help

This includes tasks such as starting, restarting, and shutting down computers.

CC4 Help

Under 'Target computers and locations', click the Add button.

CC4 Help

Choose the Computers tab.

CC4 Help

To specify drivers for devicesFrom the left-hand pane, expand Computers and choose All Computers.

CC4 Help

Under 'Target computers and locations', click the Add button.

CC4 Help

To edit a build template's configuration optionsFrom the left-hand pane, expand Computers, then expand Build and choose Build Templates.

CC4 Help

These groups of users and computers are known as control sets.

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