Explains a workaround should user deletion fail if the AD account has an attached ActiveSync object.
Explains how to import a driver into the RM Management Console (RMMC) on Community Connect 4 (CC4) if there is no relevant CC4 driver pack.
Details why the 'Available devices' column shows 'Unknown or Multiple' when you try to import drivers on a CC4 network.
Provides steps to enable the WebClient service on a Community Connect 4 network.
Provides a workaround to a known issue where computers show as 'Offline' in the RM Management Console (RMMC).
Explains why some computer GPOs may not apply with a SceCli error Event ID 1001 and provides a workaround for the issue.
Provides information on a new release that customers should install if they use UEV on CC4.
Provides information about the new OneDrive Sync client for CC4.
Provides the steps to resolve an issue when CC4 build disk generation fails with "Error in make boot output (Could not mount the image ...
Explains how to remove the CC4 OneDrive Mapper from your network.