If you try to manually approve an update, a lengthy error is seen and it will not let you change the approval status.
Instructions for downloading and installing Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 for Community Connect 4 networks.
Provides download and instructions for installing Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 for Community Connect 4 networks.
Provides a fix for an issue where the RM Management Console (RMMC) may crash because of too many Postgres.exe instances.
Details the new features delivered by components in CC4UPD113 Software Update.
Explains a possible issue following the install of 'CC4DRV123 v2.0.0.0'.
Optional CC4 update which enables the Delete menu options for RM drivers. These were previously enabled only for custom drivers.
Provides a new version of the RM Client Security Module and a new version of the CC4 Access server StationType group policy object.
Provides a CC4 update for importing higher version drivers into the RM Management Console (RMMC).
Updates the group permissions for Network Manager group on CC4.