Describes an issue where you unable to view the computer properties from the RM Management Console (RMMC).
If computer build hangs while Creating Package Manager Job, you can resolve the issue by restarting RM Service Host.
Local Support Tools (LST) appears to be assigned to Community Connect 4 (CC4) computers, but remote tasks fail.
Information about changing the RM GateKeeper logging level on both Community Connect 4 computers and saving the log.
Describes an issue where jobs allocated to CC4 computers that have more than one address in DNS may not be actioned immediately or at all.
Details an issue where toast notifications will not work for restricted users in Windows 10 computers on a CC4 network.
Provides details on the logfiles worth reviewing when diagnosing CC4 computer build failures, or if requested by an RM Support engineer
Instructions on how to build a clean computer in the Package Build folder in the RM Management Console for Community Connect 4.