Details an issue where Location Chooser fails to display all locations for systemadmin users on Windows 10 computers on a CC4 network.
Details an issue where Location Chooser fails to display all locations for systemadmin users on Windows 10 computers on a CC4 network.
Explains the cause of the error "APC_INDEX_MISMATCH" with a blue screen.
Lists the user and computer policy changes that are included in the CC4 Windows 10 v21H2 Client Pack and describes how to add these to the existing ...
Lists the user and computer policy changes that are included in the CC4 Windows 10 v22H2 Client Pack and describes how to add these to the existing ...
Provides some advice about modifying the default packages assigned to locations when moving to Windows 10.
Details an issue where toast notifications will not work for restricted users in Windows 10 computers on a CC4 network.
... issue where restricted users cannot see the network icon and change wireless networks on a Windows 10 computer on a CC4 network and provides a fix.
Provides a workaround to an issue where CC4 Windows 10 builds fail to complete as a Windows Defender virus definition causes a failure loop.
CC4 Windows 10, CC4 Access Server 2016 and Server 2019 Start menu duplicate shortcuts do not appear in multiple program sets.