Provides a solution if Windows 8.1/Windows 10 Client Pack on Community Connect 4 (CC4) installation fails at CC4.4 shortcuts.
Provides the GPO to enable Windows Remote Management (WinRM).
Covers how policies can be applied through on-premises Group Policy to the Firefox browser to allow SLO to work.
Windows 11 to disable the Chat icon and local Teams and Windows 10/11 to limit the logons to just your tenancy.
Guidance on how to set RM WSUS back to the default configuration and reset the WSUS content store.
Describes a known issue with UEV on CC4 networks.
Provides instructions on how to configure your vCenter Identity Source as Active Directory (Integrated Windows Authentication) or LDAPs.
A workaround to resolve the issue of the Windows Updates node in the RM Management Console (RMMC) giving the error "An error occurred while fetching ...
Provides a download of the CC5 Readiness Tool for Community Connect 4 (CC4) computers.