... and uninstallation command-line arguments for MSI and EXE packages, and choose whether packages can be repaired or uninstalled from computers .
... Target Results windowThis window enables you to:View the list of targeted computers for the historical task, with the start and finish times and ...
Dependencies are applications which must either already be present on the target computers , or must be installed as part of the same assignment as ...
... Target Results windowThis window enables you to:View the list of targeted computers for the historical task, with the start and finish times and ...
Group Properties: Members windowThis window enables you to manage the users, computers and groups that are members of the security group.
... and uninstallation command-line arguments for MSI and EXE packages, and choose whether packages can be repaired or uninstalled from computers .
... template is based on, and can include the following:The local administrator's username and password for managing computers built with this template.
Import Package windowThis window enables you to import packages into the RM Management Console, for assignment to computers or locations.
... enables you to:View the selected task's description and details, including each command in the task and a list of computers targeted by the task.
... is received onto the WSUS server, it will be installed on computers in your network according to your update schedule without any further action.