Essential and frequently updated guide to CC4 updates, including which ones must be installed and which have been superseded.
... a newer version of RM Desktop Agent and provides a fix for issues in delivering default Accessories (System32) shortcuts on 64-bit CC4 computers .
... a newer version of RM Desktop Agent and provides a fix for issues in delivering default Accessories (System32) shortcuts on 64-bit CC4 computers .
Provides a new version of RM Desktop Agent to fix issues in delivering Program Sets on CC4 computers.
Fixes an issue where Windows 10 computers do not have User Account Control enabled.
Provides an optional CC4 update to support NVMe drives on Windows 10 computers.
Provides a network start timeout policy for Windows 8.1/10 computers to resolve an issue where domain computer policies are not getting applied.
Fixes an issue where Windows 10 computers do not have User Account Control enabled.
Provides a new version of RM Desktop Agent to fix issues in delivering Program Sets on CC4 computers.
Describes a potential drive mapping clash on a Community Conenct 4 (CC4) network. This article has a workaround included.