(This article applies only to CC4 networks with Microsoft Windows 2012 Servers.)
FAQ, troubleshooting information and guide to using a Microsoft Windows Server 2012R2 server on a Community Connect 4 network.
(This article applies only to CC4 networks with Microsoft Windows 2012 Servers.)
FAQ, troubleshooting information and guide to using a Microsoft Windows Server 2012R2 server on a Community Connect 4 network.
Microsoft Windows uses the Kerberos authentication system, which is sensitive to differences in time between servers and clients.
Information for customers who have Windows Server 2008 which goes end of life in January 2020.
Microsoft Windows uses the Kerberos authentication system, which is sensitive to differences in time between servers and clients.
Provides information for customers who have Windows Server 2012 which goes end of life in October 2023.
Information for customers who have Windows Server 2008 which goes end of life in January 2020.
Guidance on how to generate the WindowsUpdate.log even if Windows Defender is not installed on Windows Server 2016 / Windows 10.