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CC4 Help

Edit Test Computers windowThis windows enables you to add or remove computers from the test group for updates.

CC4 Help

Edit Test Computers windowThis windows enables you to add or remove computers from the test group for updates.

CC4 Help

Control Set Properties: Computers windowThis window displays the list of individual computers in the control set.

CC4 Help

Control Set Properties: Computers windowThis window displays the list of individual computers in the control set.

CC4 Help

Remote Tasks: Restore Multiple Computers windowThis window enables you to restore several selected computers.

CC4 Help

Computer Properties: Inventory windowThis window enables you to view the inventory for one or more computers.

CC4 Help

For example, you might want to give a group of users access to a specific program set on the computers in a particular location.

CC4 Help

Computer Properties: Inventory windowThis window enables you to view the inventory for one or more computers.

CC4 Help

Further information is provided in Computers Help.

CC4 Help

Further information is provided in Computers Help.

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