Information about changing the RM GateKeeper logging level on both Community Connect 4 computers and saving the log.
Details why older computers whose HDD drives have been replaced with SSD drives behave erratically on a Community Connect 4 network.
Describes an issue where you unable to view the computer properties from the RM Management Console (RMMC).
If computer build hangs while Creating Package Manager Job, you can resolve the issue by restarting RM Service Host.
Information about changing the RM GateKeeper logging level on both Community Connect 4 computers and saving the log.
Describes an issue where you unable to view the computer properties from the RM Management Console (RMMC).
If computer build hangs while Creating Package Manager Job, you can resolve the issue by restarting RM Service Host.
... an issue where CC4 package installations may not continue if a computer restarts after installing a package that contains an unexpected reboot.
... an issue where CC4 package installations may not continue if a computer restarts after installing a package that contains an unexpected reboot.
This article discusses the Community Connect® 4 (CC4) build diagnostics button entries and how to troubleshoot failures at this point of the build.