In order to proceed with setting up a Dial-Up Networking connection, you must first have NT's Remote Access Services (RAS) installed on your system.
To find out if it is already installed, double-click My Computer, then Control Panel. Double-click the Network icon, and select the Services tab. You will see a list of all of the networking services that are currently installed on your system. Look for one labeled "Remote Access Service", as shown here:
If you see that listed, then you can go on to
Configuring Remote Access Services. Otherwise, you need to continue to install Remote Access Services.
By now you've already determined that you don't have RAS installed on your system. You should be at the Network Services tab (My Computer/Control Panel/Network). Click the Add button, and you'll be presented with the Select Network Service window, as shown here:
Scroll through the list of available services until you find one labeled "Remote Access Service". Click on it to highlight it, as shown above. Click the OK button, and Windows NT will install that service. You'll be prompted for your installation CD-ROM if RAS has not been previously loaded.
You can now go on to the next step,
Configuring Remote Access Services.
Now that you have RAS installed, you need to configure it to use the modem or terminal adapter connected to your system. Highlight the Remote Access Service entry on your Network/Services tab, and click Properties. You'll see a window titled "Remote Access Setup", with no entries.
Click the Add button. The "Add RAS Device" window will appear, as below:
Select the modem/adapter you want to use then click the OK button. If you haven't previously installed your modem, select the Install Modem button. You'll now return to the "Remote Access Setup" window, and should see your modem listed now. Click the Configure button, and you'll see the "Configure Port Usage" window:
By default, the Port Usage section will have "Receive Calls Only" selected. Change this to the "Dial Out Only" option, or to "Dial Out and Receive Calls" if you intend to also configure your system to receive calls (not covered here). WARNING: Setting your computer to accept calls can be dangerous if you don't set your security options correctly! You could be making your system available to anyone with a modem and your phone number!
Click the OK button to continue, then click the Network button that's on the right side of the "Remote Access Setup" window. You'll see a "Network Configuration" window. Make sure that TCP/IP is the only protocol with a checkmark. Click OK, then Continue to return to the Network/Services window. Close that window by clicking OK. If Windows NT prompts you to reboot, do so.
You can now go on to the next step,
creating a dial-up networking connection.
Now you're ready to get a connection set up, so you can get at the net from your NT system! Double-click on My Computer and you should see an icon for Dial-Up Networking. Double-click that icon. The first time you create a DUN connection, Windows NT will beep and present you with this:
Click OK to continue. The "New Phonebook Entry" wizard will start, and ask you to enter a name for the new phonebook entry. This will be the name that you'll identify with Internet For Learning (IFL), so enter something meaningful to you, i.e. IFL.
* Name the phonebook entry
Click the Next button to continue. The next window of the Wizard asks for information about the server you'll be calling:
Check the third option then click next. The next window asks for the phone number.
If you have the BT caller tariff enter the 0820 no you have been provided with otherwise enter 0845 0798004 for Terminal Adapters (ISDN) or 0845 0798003 for modems
then click next.
You'll then be asked which protocol you need to use, select PPP then click the Next button.
You'll now see a window that allows you to select your login options:
Initially choose the USE A TERMINAL WINDOW option. We will go back later to assign a script file to your login.
You'll now be prompted for your IP address, as shown:
Your IP address is dynamically assigned (you get a different one each time you log in to IFL), so leave the entry at all zeros (as shown). Click next to continue.
Almost done! The wizard will now prompt you for your Domain Name Service entries. Enter the DNS server for IFL It should look like this (but with the IFL DNS number entered):
You'll now see a window stating that you've completed the setup! Congratulations!
You've got everything set up correctly at this point, so lets try logging on! Double-click on My Computer and you'll see an icon for Dial-Up Networking. Double-click that icon. A window will appear with a drop-down box that has all of your DUN connections listed (probably only one). Click the Dial button to start the logon process.
A window will appear as shown here:
If during setup of your DUN connection you specified that a terminal window should be displayed for you to manually enter your userid and password, then what you enter here is completely unimportant. Just leave the fields as they are, and click OK. Dial-Up Networking will then dial the number for your ISP. You'll see:
If you set your DUN connection up to use a terminal window, then that window will now appear. You'll see the standard logon prompt for IFL "Welcome to Internet for Learning" Enter the required information for logging on i.e. your user id then your password. Then you should see a string of 'garbage' characters appear on the screen. That signifies that PPP/SLIP has started - click the Done button and DUN will complete the connection.
You can now use any of your Winsock-compliant software, such as a web browser, email programs, FTP software, etc.
Now that you've got your connection working and you've logged on, you'll see a small icon in the taskbar notification tray. The top have of that icon's background will turn blue during data transmissions, and the bottom half will turn blue when data is being received.
You can double-click that icon to view the "Dial-Up Networking Monitor", seen here:
This window shows statistics for your current connection. You can also click the Summary tab to see how long you've been logged on, and set some options under the Preferences tab. When you're done using your connection and want to log off, you can either click the Hang Up button on this window, or single-click the DUN icon in the taskbar notification tray and select Hang Up from the popup menu.
Now that you've got it all working, well show you how to make changes and check all your settings are correct. This will come in useful, should you experience problems with connectivity later or.
First, double-click the DUN icon in Control Panel. Select the entry that you want to modify from the drop-down box, then click the More button. A popup menu will appear, as shown below:
There are many useful options on this menu. Edit entry and modem properties brings up a window with various tabs - that's where you want to go if you need to make some updates, such as the ones listed above. You also use this option to set a logon script.
Clone entry and modem properties makes an exact duplicate of the currently-selected entry - useful if you want to make some changes but want to have a backup of a working entry.
Delete Entry, as you probably guessed, deletes the current entry.
Create shortcut to entry creates a shortcut on your desktop for that entry. Double-clicking the shortcut goes straight to the dialog for entering userid/password, bypassing this window.
The other options let you set some additional parameters. That's it! You've got DUN working, and know how to log on and off, and update your configuration if needed. The last thing to learn (and it's optional) is
how to set up logon scripts.
The first thing to do is tell DUN that you want to use scripts for logging on to your ISP. Bring up the DUN connection properties for the DUN connection you want to use scripts with (double-click the DUN icon in Control Panel, select the connection, then click the More button and pick the first option). You'll see a window with various tabs - click on the one labeled Script. You should see something like this:
At this point, you probably have "Pop up a terminal Window" selected. Click the "Run this script" option, and for now choose "Generic Login" for the script.
Give it a try! Click OK to exit the "Edit Phonebook Entry" window, and try to log on to IFL. It's important now to enter the correct userid/password that you have been given by IFL when the "Connect To ..." window appears! If it works, then great! You're done!