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Migrating RM Unify AD Sync user provisioning to a new Active Directory
Published Date : 19 Jan 2015   Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024   Content Ref: TEC4061769  


You have an existing RM Unify establishment already populated with user accounts provisioned via RM Unify AD Sync. You have introduced a new Active Directory (AD) to the local network and your AD user accounts have new Object IDs which are now different from those used to provision your existing RM Unify accounts.


The advised solution - RM Network Provisioning

With RM Network Provisioning (which is included with your RM Unify Premium subscription), you can remove all the risk of users losing access to their accounts and account duplication (see the 'Important - AD Sync migration' and the 'Future risks to consider with an AD Sync migration' sections below) by driving your user provisioning from your MIS. RM Unify accounts created from MIS can be used to provision your network accounts (be that Community Connect® 4 (CC4) or vanilla) and because the unique identifier for those accounts exists in the cloud, changes to your network now and in the future will be unaffected.

  • Simplified provisioning of your cloud (RM Unify, Microsoft® 365™, Google Workspace, etc.) accounts from MIS.
  • Automatic, effortless provisioning of your network accounts.
  • Bi-directional password sync - cloud to network/network to cloud.
  • Automatic re-assignment of cloud accounts, email, etc. when recreating network accounts (i.e. no more Microsoft 365/Google Workspace email reclaims to log with RM Support).

For more information about the simple transition to RM Network Provisioning, please refer to the following articles:

  • RM Unify Network Provisioning: TEC5797903
  • RM Unify Network Provisioning: prerequisites and preparation: TEC5797912
  • FAQ for RM Unify Network Provisioning: TEC5832777
  • Installation services for RM Unify Network Provisioning: TEC6284446

Important - AD Sync migration

Where you have an RM Unify establishment which has already been populated with AD Sync provisioned user accounts from your network, if, after upgrading and receiving a new active directory or CC4 network, you do not perform a successful AD Sync migration to your new network, you risk duplicating all of your RM Unify accounts. This in turn will duplicate all your connected cloud accounts, including Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, RM SafetyNet, etc. and prevent your users from accessing their cloud email, storage, files, etc.

Future risks to consider with an AD Sync migration
Even after performing a successful AD Sync migration, you must always be aware of the bespoke configuration which the configuration files now hold for your establishment. As part of the migration, the default AD attribute used as a unique identifier in RM Unify for your users is changed to an attribute of your choice (an override). If, at a future date, AD Sync needs to be reinstalled on your network and the same override attribute is not manually configured in the configuration files, you will again risk duplicating all your RM Unify accounts (and Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, etc.) and risk your users losing access to their cloud email accounts, files, storage, etc.


*Please note: If you choose not to move to our preferred solution, RM Network Provisioning, a failure to complete the following AD Sync migration tasks exactly and precisely will risk duplicating all of your cloud accounts and will risk your users losing access to their email, cloud data and files, etc.*

RM Cloud Service Delivery can perform the migration to RM Network Provisioning, or the RM Unify AD Sync migration, for you. For further information, please speak to your Sales representative on 01235 645 316 or email getintouch@rm.com, quoting this article.

The below is a summary of the steps involved in migrating RM Unify AD Sync provisioning:

  1. Download a CSV of your existing users from RM Unify.
  2. Add your AD account names to the CSV.
  3. Uninstall RM Unify AD Sync Service if this is currently installed and rename the remaining C:\Program Files (x86)\RM\RM Unify AD Sync folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\RM\RM Unify AD Sync_OLD.
  4. Run a Windows® PowerShell® migration script to import the RM Unify PersonID and RM Unify EmailAddress (optional) values into AD.
  5. Install and configure RM Unify AD Sync Service.

On the successful completion of the above steps, AD Sync provisioning from your new AD will work as follows:

  1. Any user in your AD that has an RM Unify PersonID in the chosen AD attribute will be linked to their existing RM Unify account.
  2. Any user in your AD that does not have an RM Unify PersonID in the chosen AD attribute will be created as a new user in RM Unify.
  3. Any user in RM Unify that is not associated with an AD user will continue to exist, but will not be updated in future. RM Support can assist you with instructions on how to delete these users at a later date, if required.

Please download the relevant files from the Download section below and follow the detailed instructions.

If you are transitioning to a new CC4 Active Directory

Download the following files:

  • Set-RMUnifyPersonID.zip
  • migrating_rm_unify_provisioning_-_new_cc4_active_directory_v2.docx

If you are transitioning to a new (non-CC4) Active Directory

Download the following files:

  • Set-RMUnifyPersonID.zip
  • migrating_rm_unify_provisioning_-_new_active_directory_v3.docx

Download instructions

In Microsoft Edge:

  1. Right-click the floppy disk icon alongside the files in the Download section below and select 'Open link'.
  2. In the dialog box that appears, select 'Save as'.
  3. When the Save As window is displayed and prompts for a location to save the download to, browse to the folder where you want to save it and click Save.
  4. When the download has finished, click Close.

In Google Chrome:

  1. Right-click the floppy disk icon alongside the files in the Download section below and select 'Save link as'.
  2. When the Save As window is displayed and prompts for a location to save the download to, browse to the folder where you want to save it and click Save.
  3. When the download has finished, click Close.


FilenameFile SizeDownload
migrating_rm_unify_provisioning_-_new_cc4_active_directory_v2.docx43 kb Download
migrating_rm_unify_provisioning_-_new_active_directory_v3.docx44 kb Download

Other Useful Articles

How to move RM Unify AD Sync to a new server in the same Active Directory (TEC5831682)

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Document Keywords: unify, user, provision, migrate, user migration, move AD, TEC4061769

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