A resync from RM Unify AD Sync sticks on status Requested or In Progress
Published Date : 14 Dec 2017
Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024
Content Ref: DWN5892529
Operating System
Part No
Details why a resync from RM Unify AD Sync sticks on status Requested or In Progress.
In the RM Unify AD Sync Configuration Tool, you clicked Resync but find that the Resync status sticks on a status of Requested or In Progress.
This can occur in one or more of the following circumstances:
An AD filter exists in the RM Unify AD Sync Configuration Tool but no users match the filter.
An AD filter container points at an OU that no longer exists in Active Directory, e. g. it has been deleted or renamed.
The AD Sync database contains a large number of users, e.g. 5,000 and the following error is present in the AD Sync log file: "The InnerException message was 'Maximum number of items that can be serialised or deserialised in an object graph is '65536'".
A user listed under an AD filter shares the same "rmCom2000-UsrMgr-UPN" AD attribute value as another user in Active Directory. This will be seen on CC4 sites.
Check for an empty AD filter
In the RM Unify AD Sync Configuration Tool, double-click the AD Filters node to display all AD filters.
Double-click the first AD filter.
Click the Users node. Users matching the filter will be listed in this node.
If the Users node is populated with users, do nothing.
If the Users node is empty, right-click the AD Filter and select Delete AD Filter.
Repeat steps 2-5 for each AD filter.
Wait five minutes and you should find that the Resync status will be returned to 'None scheduled'.
Check for an invalid OU in an AD filter
In the RM Unify AD Sync Configuration Tool, double-click the AD Filters node to display all AD filters.
Click the first AD filter.
In the 'Select the Active Directory' section, confirm that the path to the container is still valid.
Repeat these steps for each AD filter.
If you find an invalid path, you will need to reinstall RM Unify AD Sync with a clean database following the instructions in TEC5015612 in the Other Useful Articles section below.
Check the AD Sync log file
On the AD Sync server, browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\RM\RM Unify AD Sync\LogFiles.
Using Notepad, check the three most recent .csv files for errors, including "The InnerException message was 'Maximum number of items that can be serialised or deserialised in an object graph is '65536'".
If errors are found, please contact RM Cloud Support for further assistance.
Re-register AD Sync
Log on to RM Unify as a Super Admin user. Important: If you have a multi-site AD Sync installation syncing from a shared AD, you must log on to your parent RM Unify establishment. If you are unsure whether your establishment is part of a parent/child cluster, please contact RM Support.
Select Management Console.
Select 'Sync users from AD'.
In the 'AD Sync Service Registration Code' section, click 'Change registration code'.
Note the new AD Sync Service Registration Code.
On the RM Unify AD Sync server, open the RM Unify AD Sync Configuration Tool.
Expand RM Unify Registrations.
Select your site, the 'Organisation code' and 'Registration code' fields should show on the right-hand side.
Enter the new registration code into the field.
Click Save, followed by the Register button. After a short pause, the Successful Registration window opens.
Click OK.
Check for duplicate 'rmCom2000-UsrMgr-UPN' value
Download the 'findduplicates.txt' file from the Download section below.
Rename the file to FindDuplicates.ps1.
On a domain controller, open Windows Powershell ISE.
Click File, Open and select the FindDuplicates.ps1 file from step 2.
Click Open.
Click View, Show Script Pane.
Click Run Script from the toolbar (or select File, Run).
View the screen output. If the duplicates are shown, open the file: c:\RMUnifyDuplicates\RMCom2000Duplicates.txt.
Please contact RM Cloud Support for further help with ensuring the correct network user account is linked to the right RM Unify user.
File Size
1 kb
If you have made any changes, re-run a resync and confirm it completes successfully. A successful resync will cycle through the following states: None Scheduled, Requested, In Progress, None Scheduled.