Describes the additional steps that may be required to give access to RM Tutor 6.1 for staff in custom security groups.
The RM Tutor 6.1 Mobile Device Licensing Tool allows RM Tutor 6.1 to connect to iOS, Android and Chrome mobile devices.
Provides details of the firewall exception rules required by RM Tutor 6.1.
Describes the RM Tutor 6.1 client and control user registry policies and options with their default values for standard user types.
Provides User Guide, Release Note and Quick Start guides for RM Tutor 6.1 v3.
Describes how to configure RM Tutor 6 or RM Tutor 6.1 when students are using Location Chooser to detect student computers correctly in the room where ...
Describes how to use 'Name and Connectivity Server' to locate and connect to student computers in LAN/wireless LAN environments, particularly where ...
Describes how to use the support tool provided with RM Tutor 6.1 to gather detailed information from the Tutor Control or student computer, should you ...
Describes how to make the RM Tutor 6/6.1 Tech Console available to users who are not system administrators.
Describes how to make the RM Tutor 6/6.1 Tech Console available to users who are not system administrators.