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RSS Feeds on RM Support Online

How to obtain the latest knowledge from RM Support via your News Reader

What is RSS ?

RSS (which stands for Really Simple Syndication) is an easy way for you to keep updated automatically on websites you like. Instead of having to go to websites to see if they've written a new article or documented a new feature, you can use RSS to get them to tell you every time they have something new. RM Support Online now offers RSS feeds (or channels) for most of its sections.

To make use of RSS, you need to use a program called a News Reader. This displays RSS information feeds from your chosen websites on your computer.

Each RSS feed is usually clearly identified by either an orange RSS or XML image. On each Support portal you will find the RSS feeds clearly identified by an orange RSS image This is what the RSS feed link looks like., usually at the top right hand side of the page.

Note: Not all clients may support this - for example OWA (Outlook Web Access) does not allow RSS feeds to be added in this way - but the full Outlook client does.

How do I get a RSS news reader?

There are a range of different News Readers available; click on Google to find links to the most popular products, many of which are free to install. Different News Readers work differently, so you will need to make your own choice dependant on your requirements.

RM's normal terms and conditions apply regarding the content of third party websites.

How do I add RM Support feeds to my News Reader?

You can find RSS feeds on each of the RM Support Portals, e.g. Community Connect 4, RM Unify, Schools Management Solutions, Internet, etc. By adding the Community Connect 4 feed, for example, your News Reader will be able to obtain the latest Technical Articles, News Articles, Drivers & Downloads and Product Information that would normally be available by visiting the portal.

To register the feed in your News Reader, a typical procedure is:

  1. Create a new news channel (in your News Reader).
  2. When prompted to add the address (URL) of the RSS feed, navigate to your chosen website.
  3. Hover over the RSS feed icon.
  4. Click the right mouse button and select Copy Shortcut.
  5. Paste this into the address text box if it hasn't already been done automatically by your News Reader

If you only require a subset of article types for a given product, then a little more work is required to tailor the RSS feed to give you finer control over the content you receive.

For example:

If you only wish to receive notification of new Community Connect 4 Drivers and Downloads articles in your News Reader, then you would:

  1. Create a new news channel (in your chosen News Reader).
  2. When prompted to add the address (URL) of the RSS feed, navigate to http://www.rm.com/support/latest.asp.
  3. Select Community Connect 4 in the Search Area drop down box.
  4. Select Drivers & Downloads in the Article Type drop down box.
  5. Press the Go button.
  6. When the page has refreshed, hover over the RSS feed icon which will now provide a modified link.
  7. Click the right mouse button and select Copy Shortcut.
  8. Paste this into the address text box if it hasn't already been done automatically by your News Reader.

Your News Reader will now only display Community Connect 4 Drivers and Downloads in the new channel.

Please note:  To ensure you are able to access the documents provided by your News Reader, please select the browsing option to open links or in your default browser, rather than in your News Reader.