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Groupcall Xporter for RM Unify MIS Sync integration
Published Date : 02 Jun 2015   Last Updated : 08 Aug 2024   Content Ref: DWN4153727  


RM Cloud Service Delivery can assist you with your MIS Sync installation. For further information, please speak to your Sales representative on 01235 645 316 or email getintouch@rm.com, quoting this article.

Groupcall Xporter supports the integration of MIS data in RM Unify. This means that MIS data will be available to apps in RM Unify that can use this data.


The local install of Groupcall Xporter (called Xporter Bespoke) available in this article supports local and cloud-based (hosted) versions of SIMS (inc SIMS Connected), iSAMS by IRIS, WCBS (on-premise), Bromcom and Facility CMIS.

Remaining MISs are only supported via the Groupcall XE product, which does not require a local software installation. Those MISs are: Arbor, Scholarpack, Juniper Horizons, and IRIS Ed:Gen. For more information, please see the Other Useful Articles section below.

Support may be extended to other MIS systems in the future. Please contact the RM Cloud Support team for further information on your specific MIS.


Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 must be installed
Groupcall Xporter requires Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, which may not be installed by default on newer operating systems.

Enabling MIS Sync in the RM Unify Management Console

Before downloading and installing the Groupcall Xporter software you must complete step 1 and step 2 on the MIS Sync Settings page of the RM Unify Management Console and click Save. Without completing these steps the RM Unify database will not be configured to receive MIS data from your site.

Check server time before installation

You must ensure that your server clock time is correct, as a clock skew of +/- five minutes will cause the Groupcall Xporter to error and fail when it attempts to upload extracted data.

Check for MIS-specific requirements
Please see Other Useful Articles below to find detailed information on how to prepare for and configure Groupcall Xporter for your particular MIS.

Download Instructions

How to download this software update
  • In Microsoft Edge:
    1. Right-click the disk icon for the RMUnify_GroupcallXporter4_Setup.exe file and select 'Open link in new tab'.
    2. In the dialog box that appears at the bottom of the screen, click the arrow alongside Save and select 'Save as'. The Save As window is displayed and prompts for a location to save the download to, browse to the folder where you want to save it and click Save.
    3. Go to the location where you have saved the file and open it.
  • In Google Chrome:
    1. Right-click the disk icon for the RMUnify_GroupcallXporter4_Setup.exe file and select 'Save link as'.
    2. When the Save As window is displayed and prompts for a location to save the download to, browse to the folder where you want to save it and click Save.
    3. When the download has finished and appears at the bottom of the screen, click the arrow alongside it and select Open.

Proceed to the Installation Instructions section below to install this software on to your MIS server or other server.


FilenameFile SizeDownload
RMUnify_GroupcallXporter4_Setup.exe1.95 Mb Download

Installation Instructions

Stop the existing Groupcall Xporter service if one exists

Note: If you already have Groupcall Xporter installed, you must stop the service before following the installation instructions. The service will restart automatically.

  1. Log on to the server as a Windows® administrator user (for SIMS, this will be your local MIS server, or the server you use to connect to cloud-based SIMS. For other cloud-based MIS this could be any server.)
  2. Click Start, All Programs, Administrative Tool, Services.
  3. Right-click the Groupcall Xporter service and select Stop.
  4. When the service has stopped, close the Services window.

How to install Groupcall Xporter:
  1. Download Groupcall Xporter as described above.
  2. Log on to the server as a Windows administrator user. (For SIMS this will be your local MIS server, or the server you use to connect to cloud-based SIMS. For other cloud-based MIS this could be any server.)
  3. Copy the RMUnify_GroupcallXporter4_Setup.exe file to a convenient location (for example, C:\temp).
  4. Double-click the file to launch the installation wizard.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Enter your registration code. This is the Groupcall Xporter registration code generated on the RM Unify MIS Sync Settings window as shown in the image below.
Click to view a larger image
  Image showing the RM Unify MIS Sync Settings window

  1. Click Next.
  2. Click Install.
  3. Entering contact details for Groupcall on the Technical Contact Details window is optional, so you can leave this window blank and click Next.
  4. Select your MIS, click Next, Install.
  5. At the next screen, enter the appropriate details for your MIS.
    Note: Please refer to the 'How to configure the Groupcall Xporter' article relevant to your MIS in the Other Useful Articles section below.
  6. On the School Details window, your school details should be automatically populated from your MIS. Joining the Local Authority Code and the Establishment Code should give the Organisation Code as shown in the image below. For example, 000 + 1005 = 0001005, i.e. <LA Code> + <Establishment Code> = <Organisation Code>. 
  Image showing the Local Authority Code, Establishment Code and Organisation Code fields

  1. When the Post Install Checks are complete, click Next.
  Image showing the Post Install Checks

  1. Click Finish.


Xporter Management Console

The Xporter Management Console will provide more information about any issues synchronising your MIS data with RM Unify.

  1. On your MIS server, double-click the icon on the desktop for Xporter Management Console.
  2. In the left-hand pane, expand the tree and select Jobs.
  3. Two jobs should be created during the Xporter installation:
    • Dashboard-Heartbeat.
    • Unify-Data.
Click to view a larger image
  Image showing the two jobs created during the Xporter installation

  1. Select Log to view the Xporter log file, which will provide more information to help with diagnosing issues.

Possible Issues

Display name changes when linking MIS record to Staff account in RM Unify

Please note: After linking your RM Unify user accounts to their MIS records, the Staff users' display names will be updated to the format type Mr A Brown, Mrs B Cole, etc. which will replicate to all connected apps, such as Microsoft 365 and Google. Staff do have the ability to edit their own display names when logged on to RM Unify. Please see TEC5730647 in the Other Useful Articles section below.

Groupcall Xporter installation issues
If you experience issues installing Groupcall Xporter, it may be prudent to temporarily disable any anti-virus installed to the machine as an initial workaround or diagnostic. This can be re-enabled once the RMUnify-Data job has installed (the final stage of the installation), run and completed successfully. The Log section in the Xporter Management Console, which is also installed and accessed via a shortcut on the desktop, can provide further information.

Xporter installs but reports a failure to download the scripts
If Groupcall Xporter installs, but subsequently fails after 60 seconds (time out) attempting to download the Xporter scripts or RM Unify job, please refer to TEC4563800 in the Other Useful Articles section below.

More Information

Once Groupcall Xporter has been installed, you must proceed with a number of final steps to complete the setup and configuration of RM Unify MIS Sync.

For 'Link mode', the full steps can be found in TEC7674490 from the Other Useful Articles section below.

The RMUnify-Data job automatically runs once in the evening and uploads new and changed user data to RM Unify. This schedule cannot be changed, however if you have an ad-hoc need to run the RMUnify-Data job immediately:

  1. On the server now hosting Groupcall Xporter, double-click the icon on the desktop for Xporter Management Console.
  2. In the left-hand pane, expand the tree and select Jobs.
  3. Right-click the RMUnify-Data job and click Run Job Now.
  4. Click Yes to confirm you want to run the job now.

Other Useful Articles

How to configure Groupcall Xporter for SIMS (TEC6393775)
How to configure the Groupcall Xporter for Bromcom (TEC5695310)
How to configure the Groupcall Xporter for Facility CMIS (TEC5695710)
How to configure the Groupcall Xporter for iSAMS by IRIS (TEC5695576)
How to configure the Groupcall Xporter for WCBS (on-premise version) (TEC5695539)
Troubleshooting RM Unify MIS Sync with the Groupcall Xporter (TEC4563800)
RMUnify-Data Groupcall Xporter job fails after upgrading SQL server on a SIMS.net server (TEC4688139)
How to edit the display name for Teaching or Non-Teaching Staff accounts in RM Unify (TEC5730647)
FAQ for RM Unify MIS Sync (TEC5983537)
Managing Groupcall Xporter on a new or upgraded SIMS server (TEC6761110)
Linking MIS records to RM Unify user accounts (TEC7674490)

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Document Keywords: Unify, Groupcall, MIS, SIMS, Integris, Xporter, exporter, group call, sync, mis sync, av, virus, anti virus, anti-virus, antivirus, anti, installation, Groupcall Xporter for RM Unify MIS Sync integration, DWN4153727

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