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RM Unify CSV Extraction Tool
Published Date : 15 Apr 2013   Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024   Content Ref: DWN3182515  


The RM Unify CSV Extraction Tool allows network managers to extract all existing network user accounts in a format that can be used to provision accounts into RM Unify using the RM Unify Management Console.

By using this tool to upload account details to RM Unify, you can ensure that students and school staff can access RM Unify with the same username that they use to access their local network resources.

This download article provides:

  • RM Unify CSV Extraction Tool installer.
  • RM Unify CSV Extraction Tool Release Note.


This tool can be installed on Windows Server 2012R2 or later versions and Community Connect 4.5 or later.


Refer to the release note for full information on checking and installing requirements and installing and using the tool.

Note: Microsoft .NET Framework v3.5 SP1 is a prerequisite.

Download Instructions

To download the 'RM_Unify_CSV_Extraction_Tool_Release_Note.pdf' file from the Download section below:

  • In Microsoft Edge:
    1. Right-click the disk icon and select 'Open link in new tab'.
    2. The file opens in a new tab. If you wish to save the file, hover your mouse over the end of a page and click the disk icon ('Save a copy'). The Save As window is displayed and prompts for a location to save the download to, browse to the folder where you want to save it and click Save.
    3. Go to the location where you have saved the file and open it.
  • In Google Chrome:
    1. Right-click the disk icon and select 'Save link as'.
    2. When the Save As window is displayed and prompts for a location to save the download to, browse to the folder where you want to save it and click Save.
    3. When the download has finished and appears at the bottom of the screen, click the arrow alongside it and select Open.

To download the 'RM_Unify_CSV_Extraction_Tool_v1.2.zip' file from the Download section below:

  • In Microsoft Edge:
    1. Right-click the disk icon and select 'Open link in new tab'.
    2. In the dialog box that appears, select 'Save as'. The Save As window is displayed and prompts for a location to save the download to, browse to the folder where you want to save it and click Save.
    3. Go to the location where you have saved the file and open it.
  • In Google Chrome:
    1. Right-click the disk icon and select 'Save link as'.
    2. When the Save As window is displayed and prompts for a location to save the download to, browse to the folder where you want to save it and click Save.
    3. When the download has finished and appears at the bottom of the screen, click the arrow alongside it and select Open.


FilenameFile SizeDownload
RM_Unify_CSV_Extraction_Tool_Release_Note.pdf210 kb Download
RM_Unify_CSV_Extraction_Tool_v1.2.zip369 kb Download

Installation Instructions

For instructions, see the release note.

If you have a previous version of the CSV Extraction Tool installed, it must be uninstalled before the new version is installed.

The current component version is displayed in Windows Add/Remove Programs. The currently installed component version can be compared against the component version provided by this download article, which is listed below in the Download File Contents section.

Download File Contents

This download includes the following component versions:

  • RM Unify CSV Extraction Tool - v1.0.84.0

Other Useful Articles

CSV file format for import and export of users in RM Unify (TEC3274284)

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Document Keywords: download, unify, csv, installation, user provisioning, user extraction, 3182515, DWN3182515

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