RM Unify - Users on a CC4 network are unable to use the pound symbol in their password
Published Date : 20 Apr 2016
Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024
Content Ref: TEC5118905
Operating System
Community Connect 4
Part No
Details a known issue that prevents the use of the £ (pound) symbol in an RM Unify password and which also affects RM SafetyNet user based filtering.
You have RM Unify AD Sync and Password Filter installed on your Community Connect® 4 network. A user's network password is changed to one that contains a '£' symbol and you find that they are unable to log on to RM Unify. The error message below is displayed:
"The username or password you entered was incorrect. Please check and try again".
In addition, if you use RM SafetyNet user based filtering, you find that you are presented with an authentication prompt when trying to access the Internet via the filtered proxy.
Versions and earlier of the Password Filter component of RM Unify AD Sync contain a defect which incorrectly processes the '£' symbol and subsequently prevents successful logon to RM Unify with passwords that use this character.
In addition to this, there was a defect affecting CC4, in that password changes made directly in the CC4 Management Console containing a '£' symbol are also incorrectly processed; the user is unable to then log on to a CC4 computer with a password containing a '£'. This issue is resolved by installing CC4UPD206.
The latest version of Password Filter resolves issue 1 above and can be downloaded from DWN3182456 in the Other Useful Articles section below. All domain controllers (DCs) on your LAN\WAN (i.e. any DC that could process an AD password change) must be updated. CC4UPD206 resolves issue 2 above.
Upgrade Password Filter on all DCs
Please follow the procedures detailed in TEC5797917 in the Other Useful Articles section below.
Passwords containing the '£' symbol will now synchronise to RM Unify and allow log on to succeed when:
Changed on a CC4 computer using crtl+alt+del.
Changed on a CC4 computer using My Connect.
Changed in CC4 RMMC, as long as CC4UPD206 has been installed.