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RM SSL web hosting product overview
Published Date : 27 Jan 2015   Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024   Content Ref: TEC4340412  


Service overview
The RM SSL web hosting solution is an optional add-on which allows hosted websites to be secured with a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate. This technology establishes an encrypted link between a server and a client, meaning the network communication by a user accessing a site and the web server is secure.


  • An advanced web hosting package.
  • SSL certificate.
  • Ability to update DNS record.

More Information

Service benefits
Sensitive information added to a website and sent across the Internet is encrypted so that only the recipient server can decrypt it (examples of such information are bank card/account details, user names, passwords and forms).

 For more information refer to TEC3362696 and TEC3362704 in the Other Useful Articles section below.

Other Useful Articles

Managing Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates on RM Windows web hosting (TEC3362696)
Managing Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates on RM Linux web hosting (TEC3362704)

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Document Keywords: ssl, webhosting, advanced, windows, Linux, TEC4340412

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