Health checking staff subject areas

When you create a staff subject area and make it available to one or more users, those users are given permission to use the staff subject area.

The health check ensures that the permissions and users for all staff subject areas exist and are correct. If the permissions are incorrect, it attempts to correct them. This is possible if the relevant users exist.

The health check produces a log file that reports any problems it has found. If there is a discrepancy between folder names of or above a staff subject area, you may need to change them so they match. This might occur, for example, if a folder has been renamed or moved through Windows Explorer or RM Explorer rather than through the RM Management Console.

If you have a large number of users or staff subject areas, the health check may take some time to run.

To health check staff subject areas

  1. From the left-hand pane, expand Picture of the Shared Files icon Shared Files.

  2. From the left-hand pane, right-click Picture of the Staff Subject Areas icon Staff Subject Areas and from the menu, choose Health Check.

  3. Click Yes to confirm.

  4. The health check starts. You can check progress by choosing Picture of the Health Check icon Health Check from the left-hand pane.

  5. The health check produces a log file that reports any problems it has found, and any fixes it has made. When the health check has stopped, you can view the log file for a selected health check by clicking the View Log button.


  • To run a health check on a selected staff subject area, you can also choose Picture of the Health Check button in the toolbar, or from the Tasks menu choose Health Check.

  • You do not have to wait for one health check to complete before you start a health check on a different item or items. You can run up to 10 health checks at the same time.

  • If there is one or more health checks running when you try to close the RM Management Console, you will be warned.

  • You can also run a health check on an establishment, a computer, a location, a program set, or a user.

Related Topics

View and edit the content of a staff subject area
Change access to a staff subject area

Rename a staff subject area