To view a completed Report.
From the left-hand pane, click My Reports or Shared Reports.
From the list in the right-hand pane, select the
Report that you want to view and, on the toolbar, choose .
A summary of the Report is displayed in a new window, click HTML Report.
The Report is displayed in a new window from which you can print or save the Report.
You can also double-click a Report to view it.
You cannot edit the content of a Report, however you can copy tables or graphs from a Report and paste them directly into a spreadsheet or document in another program. If you want to paste information to a spreadsheet with the aim of performing further analysis, you must subsequently ensure that the data in the spreadsheet is displayed as numerical (not as text).
If a Report contains a very large amount of information, Internet Explorer may not display it correctly. You can reduce the amount of information to be displayed by editing the Report Builder's properties and running it again.
Depending on the type of Report Builder you have chosen to run, the amount of time taken to generate the Report varies.
On the All Reports page, if you attempt to view another user's Report that has not been shared with you, you will be prompted to log in as that user. If you do log in as that user, you must subsequently log off and log back on as yourself to continue in order to use RM Auditor normally.