You can specify that RM Auditor does not collect information on a program running from a specific path.
In the left-hand pane, click Administration.
From the right-hand pane, select Program Names.
In the Program Names window, in the left pane, find the program you want to include or exclude. You can scroll down the list of all program file names or select Search to find only program file names, friendly names or paths that start with a specific letter or contain specific text.
In the Audit column, untick (clear) the box to ensure that the program is not audited and will not appear in reports.
Click OK.
A new program file name is added to the list the first time that it program runs from a specific folder. If a program is already in the list and is then installed in, and run from, a different folder, a new entry is added.
To maximise the performance of RM Auditor, review the list of programs to be audited regularly to ensure you only audit those programs that are essential.