By default a program is listed in a Report by its program file name (usually the .exe file name). However, to enable you to identify a program in a Report more easily, you can assign it a friendly name.
In the left-hand pane, click Administration.
From the right-hand pane, select Program Names.
In the Program Names window, in the Program File Name column, find the program you want to assign a friendly name to. You can scroll down the list of all program file names or select Search to find only program file names, friendly names or paths that start with a specific letter or contain specific text.
In the Friendly Names column, type the friendly name that you want to assign to the program file name.
Click OK.
A new program file name is added to the list of program file names the first time that a program runs from a specific path. If the program is installed in a different folder and runs from that, a new entry is added to the list.