RM Unify Network Provisioning - How to upgrade Network Agent v1 to v2
Published Date : 15 May 2023
Last Updated : 04 Aug 2023
Content Ref: TEC9126101
Operating System
MS Windows 2016 Server, MS Windows 2019 Server, MS Windows 10
Part No
Explains how to upgrade an existing installation of Network Agent v1 to v2.
You have an existing installation of RM Unify Network Provisioning using RM Unify Network Agent v1. This article explains how to upgrade the Network Agent from v1 to v2 on a:
Vanilla Windows network: Single-site or multi-site RM Unify Network Provisioning
Community Connect® 4 (CC4) network: Single-site or multi-site RM Unify Network Provisioning
The upgrade process assumes that you are upgrading the Network Agent on the same server on which RM Unify Network Provisioning is currently configured. This is essential, as the reinstallation uses the existing configuration files.
Do not follow this article if you want to install RM Unify Network Agent v2 on a new server. Instead, please raise a service call with the Cloud Support team or your usual Network Support team for further advice.
Why should I upgrade to Network Agent v2?
New feature for RM Unify Network Provisioning on vanilla Windows networks: Write RM Unify deleted information to linked AD accounts. Currently, the Network Agent disables an AD account when its linked RM Unify user account is disabled or when the user has left the RM Unify establishment. This makes it difficult to determine if disabled AD accounts are results of disabled or deleted RM Unify accounts. To assist with this, with Network Agent v2, you can now configure the Agent to populate an AD account attribute with deleted date information when the RM Unify account is deleted, enabling you to query AD for accounts linked to deleted RM Unify users only. Please refer to TEC9141795 in the Other Useful Articles section below for more details.
Improved Network Agent auditing messages in the RM Unify Audit log.
Compatibility with Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8.
Ability to automatically receive future improvements to the Network Agent - no user intervention required and no disruption.
As of now, there will be no further development or security update patching of Network Agent v1.
Who can complete the upgrade?
Provided the prerequisites are met, you can upgrade the Network Agent yourself regardless of whether RM Unify Network Provisioning was originally installed as part of an installation service completed by RM.
If we currently provide you with a managed service, your existing managed service support team will manage the upgrade.
How to identify which version of RM Unify Network Agent is installed?
On the server running the RM Unify Network Agent service, open 'Programs and Features'.
Find RM Unify Network Agent and check the number listed in the Version column.
Network Agent v1 will have a Version number '1.x'. Network Agent v2 will have a Version number '2.x'.
Microsoft .NET Framework v4.8 on the server where the existing RM Unify Network Agent is installed.
The Network Agent is provisioning users to the parent domain of your Active Directory. If it is provisioning users to a child domain, please contact Cloud Support for additional upgrade steps.
RM Unify user with super admin rights, e.g. rmunifyadmin.
Active Directory administrator account, i.e. membership of Domain Admins and Administrators group.
When upgrading the Agent, password synchronisation between AD and RM Unify will be temporarily unavailable. For this reason, we strongly suggest that you upgrade the Network Agent outside of school hours.
Check if .NET Framework 4.8 is installed
On the Network Agent server, run regedit.
Browse to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full'. Note: If the Full subkey is missing, then .NET Framework 4.5 or later isn't installed and you should proceed to install .NET Framework 4.8.
Select the Full subkey and, in the right-hand window, check the Release REG_DWORD value.
If the value is less than 528040, please proceed to install .NET Framework 4.8.
If the value is 528040 or greater, .NET Framework 4.8 is already installed.
Install .NET Framework 4.8
Download .NET Framework 4.8 and follow the installation instructions from this article: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8.
Note: You may be prompted to reboot your server as part of the installation.
Upgrade the Network Agent
Sign in to RM Unify as a super admin user.
In the Management Console, click 'Sync users to AD'.
Click Generate Network Agent MSI to download a copy of the RM Unify Network Agent MSI.
Copy the downloaded RM Unify Network Agent MSI to a temporary location on the Network Agent server.
Open Services and stop the RM Unify Network Agent Service.
On the Network Agent server, open Registry Editor and browse to '[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\RM\RM Unify Network Agent]'.
Right-click 'UPTBlockUserProvisioning' and select Modify. Note: please see Possible Issues section below is key is missing.
Type true and click OK.
Close Registry Editor.
Open 'Programs and Features' and select to uninstall RM Unify Network Agent.
Click Finish.
In File Explorer, browse to where you saved the RM Unify Network Agent MSI and double-click to run it.
Click OK to the window message "Just to let you know, we're going to extend the Active Directory Schema....".
Click Finish.
Using the 'Run as administrator' option, run the RM Unify Provisioning Test Tool to confirm if the three test user accounts can be created successfully. Please see TEC7323785 in the Other Useful Articles section below for more information.
Open Registry Editor and browse to '[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\RM\RM Unify Network Agent]'.
Right-click 'UPTBlockUserProvisioning' and select Modify.
Type false and click OK.
In the RM Unify Management Console, click User Audit, review the entries for any errors and follow up.
Possible Issues
Missing 'UPTBlockUserProvisioning' registry key
When following step 7 from the 'Upgrade the Network Agent' section above, if the 'UPTBlockUserProvisioning' registry key is missing, follow the steps below to manually add the registry key before continuing with the steps to upgrade:
Right-click the RM Unify Network Agent key and select New, String Value.
Set 'Value name' as 'UPTBlockUserProvisioning'.
Set 'Value data' as 'true'.
Note: Set 'Value data' to 'true' if upgrading now, following the steps from this article. Otherwise, set it to 'false' as setting it to 'true' will block user provisioning.
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Document Keywords: RM Unify network provisioning - how to upgrade Network Agent, rm-install, Active Directory, ad, new user, solution, rmuvnp, rmunp, vanilla, non-cc4, cc4, amend, TEC9126101, v1, v2, version 1, version 2, .net 4.8