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RM Unify Network Provisioning - How to stop the Network Agent configuring home folders for new users
Published Date : 19 Aug 2022   Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024   Content Ref: TEC8720672  


RM Unify Network Agent is currently configured to apply home folder settings for each new user it creates in Active Directory (AD). You no longer want the Network Agent to do this as you want to manage home folders yourself, or no longer use them on the network.

This article applies to RM Unify Network Provisioning on a vanilla Windows network; it is not suitable for Community Connect® 4 (CC4) networks.

If you are using RM Unify Network Provisioning on a CC4 network, the new users' home folders are created on the User Server where the Network Agent is installed (CC4 First server) even if the CC4 user template is set to a different server. This default setting cannot be changed but, once provisioned, you can use the CC4 Management Console to move users to the desired User Server as you normally would. Please contact your usual support provider for further assistance.


Edit the 'BaseConfiguration.xml' file
  1. On the server with the RM Unify Network Agent installed, run regedit to open Registry Editor.
  2. Browse to the registry key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\RM\RM Unify Network Agent].
  3. Right-click UPTBlockUserProvisioning and select Modify.
  4. Type true, click OK and close the Registry Editor window.
  5. Stop the RM Unify Network Agent service.
  6. In File Explorer, click View and tick 'Hidden items'. Depending on your server OS, you may have to open the 'Change folder and search options' menu item, select the View tab, click the radio button 'Show hidden files...' and click OK.
  7. Browse to C:\ProgramData\RM\RM Unify Network Agent\RMUPROOT-config\[AD]\Configuration.
  8. Make a backup copy of the 'BaseConfiguration.xml file' and name it 'BaseConfigurationBACKUP.xml'.
  9. Right-click the 'BaseConfigurationxml' file and select 'Open with Notepad'.
  10. The file has a configuration section for each role type: Students, Teachers and NonTeachers. For multi-site configurations, there is a configuration section for each role type per school.
  11. Find the role-based section you want to amend, e.g. <Name>STUDENTS</Name>, or <Name>SUPPORT_SCHOOL STUDENTS</Name> in the case of multi-site.
  12. Under the role-based section, find the <UserFolders> section. Depending on whether the Network Agent is configured to set home and/or profile folders for new users, you will have one or two sub-sections:
    • <FolderType>HOME</FolderType>
    • <FolderType>PROFILE</FolderType>
  13. Find the start of the home folder section:
  14. Delete all the lines within the marked area in the image given below and then save the file. Also, be sure to delete any white space characters that may have remained around the section you have edited.

Image showing the marked area

  1. Double-check the results by comparing against the images given below. The below image shows the UserFolders area after the home folder settings have been removed but with a profile folder still configured:
Image showing UserFolders with no home folder but with profile folder

The below image shows the UserFolders area after the home folder settings have been removed and with no profile folder configured:

Image showing UserFolders with no home folder and no profile folder

  1. Restart the RM Unify Network Agent service.
  2. Test your new settings by running the Network Provisioning Test Tool to check if new users are created successfully without a home folder and permissions but with profile settings if you left them configured. Please refer to TEC7323785 in the Other Useful Articles section below.
  3. Resolve any issues identified by the Test Tool.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 above and change the UPTBlockUserProvisioning value from 'true' to 'false'.

Once I delete the home folder settings, what happens to an existing AD user's home folder settings?

The Network Agent only applies the home folder settings in the 'BaseConfiguration.xml' to new users, so for any new AD user created, no home folder will be created or configured. The Agent will not delete any existing home folder AD attributes set on an AD user account. The Agent will update a user's existing home folder settings if their RM Unify username is changed - see below.

After I delete the home folder settings, what happens if I change an existing user's RM Unify username?

The Network Agent does not use the home folder settings configured in the 'BaseConfiguration.xml' file when it updates a username. Instead, it reads the user's existing 'homeDirectory' AD attribute value. If this is populated, the Agent confirms if the UNC uses the username as a sharename and determines the physical server path of the UNC. It then creates a new home folder with the new username in the same location and copies the home folder contents over. Once the contents are successfully copied, it deletes the user's original home folder.

Possible Issues

On restarting the Network Agent service, the Agent does not process any user provisioning actions

This is usually caused by incorrect editing of the 'BaseConfiguration.xml' file. Check the most recent Network Agent service log file for any errors:
C:\ProgramData\RM\RM Unify Network Agent\RMUPROOT-config\[RMUNIFYHEAD]\LogFiles\<Date_Time>.csv.

The following is an example of an error that occurs when white spaces have been left after removing the home folder configuration section (see Step 14 above):

"[RMUNIFYHEAD]",LOG,"AddMessage","User Message: Target System : '[UPTC]'. Status = 'TSACONNECTIONERROR'"
"[RMUNIFYHEAD]",LOG,"AddMessage","User Message: One or more TSAs could not be connected to."
"[RMUNIFYHEAD]",ERROR,"AddMessage","User Message Exception Displayed"
"[RMUNIFYHEAD]",LOG,"AddMessage","User Message: Target System : '[AD]'. Status = 'BADCONFIGURATION'"
"[RMUNIFYHEAD]",LOG,"AddMessage","User Message: The <TSAConfigurationSetting> 'STUDENTS' has a <UserFolder> in its <PrimarySystemSettings> settings that has a number of missing settings. Please refer to documentation when configuring a <UserFolder>."
"[RMUNIFYHEAD]",ERROR,"AddMessage","User Message Exception Displayed"
"[RMUNIFYHEAD]",LOG,"AddMessage","User Message: "
"[RMUNIFYHEAD]",LOG,"AddMessage","User Message: CATASTROPHIC FAILURE : This is your Primary Target System. As such it is unsafe to perform any provisioning actions."

If this doesn't resolve your issue, please see Other Useful Articles section below for further troubleshooting help.

Other Useful Articles

RM Unify Network Provisioning - How to change the home folder location for new users (TEC8382417)

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Document Keywords: RM Unify network provisioning - how to change home folder settings, ad, new user, solution, rmuvnp, umunp, vanilla, non-cc4, cc4, TEC8382417, home folder

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