Published Date : 17 Mar 2022
Last Updated : 13 Mar 2023
Content Ref: TEC8279830
Operating System
Part No
Details the requirements and behaviour of changing RM Unify user email addresses in bulk.
You wish to validate and update the RM Unify email addresses of user accounts in bulk, quickly and easily. You may have the need to bulk update email addresses if:
You are provisioning users from MIS and the desired email address format does not match your username format. For example, the username format is <first name><last name> (JaneSmith) but you want users to have an email address format of <initial of first name><last name> (JSmith).
You are provisioning users from RM Unify AD Sync and configuration of the email override option in AD filters does not meet your requirements.
Prior to federating to an existing Google or Microsoft 365 tenancy (brownfield), you want to bulk update the existing RM Unify email addresses of all users to reduce the amount of manual users matching during the federation process.
Prior to federation to Google or Microsoft 365 tenancy (greenfield), you want to pre-populate the RM Unify email addresses.
You have multiple RM Unify email addresses to update.
RM Unify will send an update identity message containing the updated RM Unify email addresses to all the installed apps using this attribute.
Note: For a small number of email address changes, you may find it quicker to change the email addresses on a per-user basis using the 'Change email address' option available against each user account.
For RM Unify users provisioned from MIS or manually via CSV, the 'Bulk change email addresses' feature is available by default.
For RM Unify users provisioned from RM Unify AD Sync, you must first select to opt in to the 'Bulk change email addresses' feature. Once opted in, RM Unify will discard any email addresses uploaded from RM Unify AD Sync.
Opt in to 'Bulk change email addresses'
The 'Bulk change email addresses' feature is enabled by default for CSV and MIS-provisioned users. For users provisioned from RM Unify AD Sync, an RM Unify super admin must select to opt in to this feature:
Log on to the RM Unify Management Console as a super admin and navigate to the Sync users from AD page.
Under 'STEP 3', make your choice about user email addresses and select 'Use the Bulk change email addresses function in the Management Console'.
RM Unify will now discard any email addresses uploaded from RM Unify AD Sync. To avoid future confusion, however, we recommend you also remove any email override(s) from configured AD filters:
On your RM Unify AD Sync server, open the RM Unify AD Sync Tool.
Expand each AD filter.
Under the 'Email override' section, highlight the named attribute (usually, this will be 'mail') and delete it.
Click Save.
Repeat for each AD filter.
RM Unify AD Sync will now not populate the email address value for new users it provisions. If email addresses are already showing against the existing users in the tool, these will remain visible but RM Unify AD Sync will no longer update the value.
How to bulk change email addresses
Log on to the RM Unify Management Console as a super admin and navigate to the Users page.
Using the View filter, select the Role type of the users you wish to bulk change email addresses, e.g. Students. Alternatively, you could select a specific Year Group.
From the Actions drop-down menu, select 'Download all users in the group'. The file will be saved to your computer as 'EstablishmentUsers.csv'.
Open the file using an appropriate app (e.g. Microsoft Excel) and delete the user rows you do not wish to change email address for.
Make the email address changes you require to the remaining users in the UnifyEmailAddress column only.
Do not amend data in any other column (e.g. Displayname, Username, etc.) as these are ignored on upload.
Save the file as the csv file type and not '.xls', '.xlsx', etc.
Navigate back to the Users page.
Select Actions, 'Bulk change email addresses'.
Click Browse, select the edited csv file and click Open.
Click Upload.
How to change an email address on a per-user basis
Log on to the RM Unify Management Console as a super admin and navigate to the Users page.
Select the user you want to change the email address for.
Select Actions, 'Change email address'.
Enter the desired email address.
Click Save.
For each successfully updated user, the User Audit page will show the following messages:
Email address change requested.
User's email address changed.
Possible Issues
Why do I get the error "this UnifyEmailAddress is already in use by another RM Unify user"?
This error will appear if the desired RM Unify email address has previously been assigned to another user in RM Unify. In these instances, we recommend you to choose an alternative email address for the affected user and upload a modified csv file. In some cases, manual intervention may allow you to re-use the desired email address. Please raise a support call with your usual provider for further assistance.
I cannot change an individual user's email address, it says "Change email address option is not available for users from AD Sync"
The user has been provisioned from RM Unify AD Sync and your RM Unify administrator has not opted in to 'Bulk change email addresses' feature. Please consult your administrator and refer to the section 'Opt in to 'Bulk change email addresses'' above.