Error message "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request" displayed when clicking RM Unify Microsoft 365 app tiles
Published Date : 19 May 2021
Last Updated : 03 Oct 2024
Content Ref: TEC7825994
Operating System
Part No
Explains why an error message "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request" is displayed when you click any Microsoft 365 app tile from the App Library.
In the RM Unify Management Console App Library, you select a Microsoft® 365™ (M365) tile and instead of seeing the expected app details page, the following error message is displayed:
"Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request. If this problem persists, please contact your establishment's RM Unify administrator".
This can occur if you have federated RM Unify to Microsoft 365 but not consented to Graph API permissions. This is usually done at the time of federation, or later when enabling MIS group sync to M365.
Raise a support call with the RM Unify support team to re-enable the ability to consent to Graph API permissions.
Once enabled, sign in to the RM Unify Management Console as a super admin.
Click App Library.
Open a Microsoft 365 app tile.
Under 'API permissions', select 'Click here'.
Click 'Enable Microsoft 365 APIs'.
Sign in to Microsoft 365 as a global admin.
Review the permissions requested and click Accept.
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Document Keywords: unify, o365, 365, office 365, 365, Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request, federation. m365, tile, TEC7825994