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Error message "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request" displayed in the RM Unify Microsoft 365 matching wizard
Published Date : 10 Aug 2020   Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024   Content Ref: TEC7381653  


You are federating Microsoft® 365™ to RM Unify and have progressed to the following page in the connector wizard, 'Manage Microsoft 365 Email Addresses and Matched Accounts'.

When you attempt to save the changes or click Finish, the following error message is displayed:

"Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request. If this problem persists, please contact your establishment's RM Unify administrator".


This can occur in the following circumstances:

  • One or more users have set their RM Unify password recovery email using the domain you are trying to federate.
  • One or more users in your Microsoft 365 domain have a UPN, or any other attribute, in mixed-case while their other attributes are in lower-case.
  • The RM Unify Email Address value of a user has a trailing or leading white space, e.g. 'jsmith@domain.sch.uk ' or ' jsmith@domain.sch.uk', instead of 'jsmith@domain.sch.uk'.
  • The RM Unify database has been populated, via AD Sync 'mail' attribute functionality, with an email address for the user which is not on the domain to be federated.


Please see TEC4559945 in the Other Useful Articles section below to identify any users with an undesired password recovery email address.

If you need further assistance, or have corrected the password recovery email addresses, please raise a support call with the RM Cloud Support team to identify the users still affected. Once the affected users are identified, return to the connector wizard and manually re-enter their email addresses in lower-case.

Other Useful Articles

Error "Failed to save one or more email addresses" in the RM Unify Microsoft 365\Google Workspace user matching wizard (TEC4559945)

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Document Keywords: unify, o365, 365, office 365, 365, Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request, federation. m365, wizard, stuck, stops, throws, federating, federate, TEC7381653

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