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Some apps not accessible via RM Unify when using a superseded browser version
Published Date : 13 May 2020   Last Updated : 03 Oct 2024   Content Ref: TEC7298947  


You log on to RM Unify and from your Launch Pad, you click an app tile. Instead of being transferred to the app (and where applicable being logged on to the app), you receive an error message, or are not logged on as expected.


The following are the list of browsers and platforms supported by RM Unify, with which you shouldn't encounter any issue when using RM Unify:

  • Windows® Internet Explorer 11+ on Windows 7+
  • Microsoft® Edge on Windows 10
  • Google Chrome (current and previous stable versions) on Windows 7+, Android and Chrome OS
  • Safari (current and previous stable versions) on iOS and Mac

However, a recent 'breaking change' made by Google to the way the Chrome browser handles cookies, which forced the third-party app developers to update their apps, has had a knock-on effect for those apps when accessed via older browsers. That is, all older browsers, not just Chrome.

RM blogged about this change in February 2020:

"From February 17th, Google are planning to gradually release breaking changes to the default behaviour of cookies with Chrome 80: https://www.chromium.org/updates/same-site

Chrome is the most common browser used by RM Unify users and in order to mitigate any unintended impact from these changes and maintain their integration with RM Unify, integrated app providers have been making changes to how their apps handle cookies.

Unfortunately, we are also aware that some older browsers and devices, used by a small number of customers, may be incompatible with these changes: https://www.chromium.org/updates/same-site/incompatible-clients

App providers may be able to implement their changes in such a way that maintains compatibility with older browsers and devices, however, there is a risk that these apps will no longer behave as expected."


The advice for most users will be to upgrade their browser, if this does not already happen automatically.

Incompatible browser Guidance
Chrome 51-66 Upgrade to the latest version - Chrome 80+.
UC Browser < 12.13.2 on Android Upgrade to an alternative browser.
Safari on MacOS 10.14 (Mojave) Upgrade to the latest version of MacOS and Safari, or use an alternative browser.
Embedded browsers (i.e. all browsers) on iOS 12

Upgrade to the latest version of iOS and Safari, or use an alternative browser.

This may, however, not be possible if you are using a device limited to iOS 12 (for example, iPhone 6). Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that these devices will continue to behave as expected and, if this is the case, we would advise customers to contact the relevant app providers to seek their advice.


There could be, of course, other reasons for users having issues accessing apps (e.g. the app service may be temporarily unavailable, you may have account issues, app licence issues etc.). Please test access to the app using a different, updated browser to identify if the issue is to do with the browser version.

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Document Keywords: third party, Some apps are not accessible via RM Unify when using a superseded browser version, app library, tab, error, issue, not working, broken, sso, saved password, single sign on, automatically, catalina, Mojave, opera, TEC7298947

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