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User sees the error "Oops, something went wrong" when trying to access RM Unify in a browser or app
Published Date : 18 Oct 2019   Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024   Content Ref: TEC7027091  


When a user browses to RM Unify or uses an app on their device to access services federated to RM Unify, they see error "Oops, something went wrong". This can be seen when: 

  • on a networked PC, the user is browsing to the RM Unify SSO (single sign-on) URL.
  • on a networked PC or mobile device, the user is opening a Microsoft app such as Microsoft® Teams.
  • on a mobile device, the user is browsing to RM Unify.


The most likely causes are:

  • The browser has been configured to block, or only partially allow, cookies. RM Unify uses cookies to provide SSO functionality.
  • The browser or app has cached an RM Unify cookie from a previous session and the cookie has since expired, or cannot be decrypted.
  • The networked PC has cached related credentials in Windows Credential Manager, e.g. Microsoft Office.


The procedures below will help you check your current configuration and to delete old or expired cookies/credentials from your device. Follow the applicable procedure(s) below, testing RM Unify sign in again after each one.


Check your browser is configured to allow cookies

The steps to do this will depend on the type of browser you are using. Given below are some examples:

Chrome browser:

  1. Open Chrome and browse to: chrome://settings/content/cookies?search=cookies.
  2. Under 'Cookies and site data', if you see Blocked then toggle the slider to enable the setting and confirm it now shows 'Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended)'.

Note: It is possible to keep the cookie setting as Blocked, but allow cookies for https://[*].rmunify.com under the Allow section. While this enables RM Unify SSO to work, the user will still be unable to access other services such as Microsoft 365, as these also require cookies to be allowed.

Microsoft Edge:

  1. Open Microsoft Edge.
  2. Click 'More...', Settings.
  3. Click 'View advanced settings'.
  4. Ensure that 'don't block cookies' is enabled.

Force sign out of all Microsoft 365 sessions
  1. Sign into the 'Microsoft 365 admin center' as a global or user administrator.
  2. Click Users and select the affected user.
  3. Select the Account tab.
  4. Browse down to the Sign Out section and click 'Sign out of all sessions'.
  5. Wait for 15 minutes for full sign out to complete.

Clear the browser cache and cookies

The steps to do this will depend on the type of browser(s) and device you are using. Given below are some examples: 

Chrome browser on a PC:

  1. Open Chrome and browse to: chrome://settings/clearBrowserData.
  2. Under 'Time range', select 'All time'.
  3. Tick 'Cookies and other site data'.
  4. Tick 'Cached images and files'.
  5. Click Clear Data.

Chrome browser on an Android device: 

  1. Open the Chrome app.
  2. At the top right-hand side, click 'More...'.
  3. Click History, 'Clear browsing data'.
  4. Under 'Time range', select 'All time'.
  5. Please make sure that 'Cookies and other site data' and 'Cached images and files' are ticked.
  6. Click Clear Data.

 Safari browser on an iPhone:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Select Safari.
  3. Click 'Clear History and Data'.

Sign out and clear the app-specific cache on mobile device

Complete the steps for each app you have installed. The steps may vary depending on the app and device you are using, please consult your provider's support site for further information if required. Given below are some examples:

Microsoft Outlook app for Android or iOS: 

  1. Open the Microsoft Outlook app.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Select your RM Unify-linked account.
  4. Click Reset Account.
  5. Click Continue to the message "Resetting your account will restart Outlook, do you wish to continue?" 

Microsoft Teams app for iOS:

  1. Open the Microsoft Teams app.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click 'Data and storage'.
  4. Click 'Clear app data'.
  5. Confirm that 'DONE!' temporarily appears.
  6. Close the app.

Microsoft OneDrive for Android:

  1. Select and hold the OneDrive app icon.
  2. From the pop-up menu, select '(i)' - an App info screen will be displayed.
  3. Scroll down and select Storage.
  4. Select 'Clear cache'.
  5. Select 'Clear data'. "All of this application's data will be deleted permanently. This includes all files, settings, accounts, databases etc." message may be displayed
  6. Click OK.
  7. Close the app.

Delete your RM Unify account from the app

If there is an option to do this, select to remove your RM Unify account from the app. Given below is an example: 

Microsoft Outlook for Android or iOS:

  1. Open the Microsoft Outlook app.
  2. From top-left, select the round icon.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Select your RM Unify account and Click Delete Account.
  5. Click Delete to confirm.

Delete the app and reinstall
  1. Delete each app linked to your RM Unify account from your device.
  2. Reinstall the app from Google Play or the Apple App Store.
  3. Configure the app using your RM Unify account.

Delete credentials from Windows Credential Manager

As the affected user on the PC:

  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Click User Accounts.
  3. Click Credential Manager, or alternatively the link, 'Manage your credentials'.
  4. Click Windows Credentials.
  5. Select each Microsoft Office-related credential and click Remove.

Sign out of Microsoft apps on a networked PC

As the affected user on the PC:

  1. Open the affected app, e.g. Outlook.
  2. Click File, Account or Office Account.
  3. Click 'Sign out' and 'Sign out' again.
  4. Close the app and then re-open it.
  5. Sign into the app with your RM Unify email address.
  6. If you continue to have issues, click File, Account or Office Account.
  7. Under User Information, check if you are signed in using your RM Unify email address.
  8. If another account is signed in, repeat steps 3-5 again.
  9. If your RM Unify email address is showing as signed in but you see a 'Fix me' button, click 'Fix me' and follow the screens. You may need to close and re-open the app.

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Document Keywords: gapps, google, chrome, chromebook, oops something went wrong, single sign on, TEC7027091

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