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RM Training Academy FAQ
Published Date : 01 Apr 2019   Last Updated : 05 Jun 2023   Content Ref: TEC6813386  


The RM Training Academy via RM Unify provides training videos and courses for RM Unify, Integris and Finance.


What is RM Unify?

RM Unify is a single sign-on (SSO) solution for schools, which provisions cloud accounts for your users to allow them access to multiple apps and services (such as Microsoft® 365™, Google Workspace, RM Training Academy, ParentPortal, RM Easimaths, RM SafetyNet, PurpleMash, Satchel One (formerly Show My Homework), etc), all by using a single username and password.

These cloud accounts can be created automatically in RM Unify from your MIS, or your Active Directory/Community Connect 4 (CC4) network, or from a simple CSV file upload*.

*You can even drive user provisioning from the cloud (RM Unify) back down to your network to create local accounts. More information about the full Premium features of RM Unify can be found in the Other Useful Articles section below.

Where do I log on to RM Unify?

  • Browse to www.rmunify.com and enter your username or email address and password.
  • Browse to https://<scope>.rmunify.com, e.g. https://stmarys.rmunify.com.

What is my RM Unify scope name?

An RM Unify scope is simply a convenient 'short name' given to your establishment when it was created, to save you having to type out long usernames. So instead of having a username with a scope of archie@theroyalcollegeofwindsor, it could be archie@rcw. The direct URL for your establishment then becomes https://rcw.rmunify.com.

When browsing to your scope-specific URL, e.g. https://rcw.rmunify.com, the scope portion of the username will also be pre-pended, so again, you simply need to type the name portion of your username.

When you browse to www.rmunify.com for the first time, the username field will be blank. But after successfully logging in, subsequent visits to the www.rmunify.com URL will show (due to a cached cookie) the username field pre-pended with the scope of your username. You then need only enter the name portion of your username.

What credentials do I log on with?

  • If your RM Unify account has been created from your network (from Active Directory or CC4), then you will log on using the same username and password that you log on to the network with.
  • If your RM Unify account has been created from your MIS, or has been created manually (via a CSV file for example), then you will have been provided a username and password by your designated RM Unify admin onsite.
  • If your establishment has linked Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace to RM Unify, then you can also log on with your establishment email address and password.

If you do not know your username, please speak with your RM Unify admin onsite. For more information about logging on to RM Unify, please see TEC6540401 in the Other Useful Articles section below.

How do I reset my password for RM Unify?

  • If your RM Unify account has been created from your network, you can reset your network password, which will sync to RM Unify, usually in around 60 seconds.
  • If your RM Unify account has been created from MIS, or has been manually created, you may have set a password recovery email address. From the RM Unify log on page, click the 'Forgotten your password?' link and follow the instructions.
  • Alternatively, your onsite RM Unify administrator can reset your password for you.

What is a Launch Pad?

In RM Unify, your account will be one of six Role types, with each Role receiving a different Launch Pad (a kind of 'cloud desktop'). The different Roles/Launch Pads are: Student, Teaching Staff, Non-Teaching Staff, Parent, Governor and Other. The Role based Launch Pads are populated with apps and link tiles chosen by your onsite RM Unify admin.

In addition, your establishment may also have enabled Personal Launch Pads, which give users an additional Launch Pad to populate as they wish; either with apps from the App Library, or with link tiles they have created themselves.

What is the App Library?

Guess what? It's a library of apps ;) OK, joking aside, it's where you find the apps (such as RM Training Academy), educational tools, services, and links which you can make available to your users, as clickable tiles on their Launch Pads. As an RM Unify super admin, or Launch Pad admin you will be able to install and arrange these apps on the Role defined Launch Pads.

Where is the RM Training Academy tile?

Once the RM Training Academy app has been installed by an RM Unify admin and made visible, it will appear on the desired Launch Pads; most usually it will be made available to the Teaching Staff and Non-Teaching Staff Launch Pads. If it is not immediately visible to you, you can use the 'Search Launch Pads' field to filter, for example, by 'training' and it will return the tile, if it has been installed and made visible for you.

Apps need to be installed to a Role to allow those users to access them, but then need to be enabled too, so as to also appear on a Role defined Launch Pad. If the tile has not been installed and enabled to appear for you, please contact your onsite RM Unify admin in the first instance.

There is a problem with the course or content in the RM Training Academy.

If you have a problem specifically with a course, or the content within a course (including error messages, typos, lack of videos, etc), please log a support call to report the issue.

Is there any help and advice for an RM Unify administrator?

As the RM Unify administrator of an establishment using an MIS you may need access to more detailed information relating to RM Unify MIS Sync. This can be found in TEC5983537 in the Other Useful Articles section below.

Possible Issues

Clicking the RM Unify tile does not log me in to RM Training Academy
Once you are logged in to RM Unify, if you find that clicking the RM Training Academy tile does not automatically log you in, and instead you are presented with a 'ProProfs Online Classroom' page, this indicates an issue with the single sign-on function of the app which will need to be investigated by RM Support.

Other Useful Articles

Logging on to RM Unify (TEC6540401)
FAQ for RM Unify MIS Sync (TEC5983537)

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Document Keywords: Google Workspace, faq, rm training academy, TEC6813386

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