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Logging on to RM Unify
Published Date : 30 Nov 2018   Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024   Content Ref: TEC6540401  


Browse to the www.rmunify.com logon page, or to your establishment specific URL, e.g. https://bellgrove.rmunify.com.


Users log on to RM Unify using a combination of logon credentials (aka a 'username') and a password. We will go through each possible logon credential below whilst referencing the screenshot of a user's details from the RM Unify Management Console:

  1. RM Unify username - this is comprised of the username + @ + the scope (name) of your RM Unify establishment. For MIS Sync Create mode users, the username will be generated based on a format specified by your RM Unify Super Admin. For AD Sync provisioned users, the username will be generated based on your AD\CC4 account name. For CSV and manually provisioned users, the username is specified by the RM Unify Super Admin.
  2. Email address (also known as RM Unify email address) - this is generated by RM Unify in whichever cloud app your establishment has federated first. In the example screenshot below, it is Microsoft 365 (M365).
  3. Google Workspace/Microsoft 365 email address - this is generated by RM Unify in whichever cloud app your establishment has federated second which, in the example screenshot, is Google Workspace. If Google Workspace and M365 share the same domain then only a single email address is displayed for the user.
  4. Parent home email address - parent accounts are created from MIS data with the username for those accounts being the personal (home) email address entered into MIS for those users. Parent users set their own password and use their email address as the password recovery email address. More information can be found in TEC6491614 in the Other Useful Articles section below.

So, to recap, RM Unify can hold all of these logon credentials for a user, making it possible for them to log on to RM Unify using any (and all) of them.

Example screenshot

Possible Issues

Configuring Outlook
You can configure Microsoft Outlook® with an M365 or Google Workspace account/email address and RM Unify password which, if you use AD Sync or Network Provisioning, will also be your network password.

More Information

Unfederated RM Unify establishments

It is possible to log on to RM Unify using the email address stored in RM Unify even if the establishment itself is not currently federated to an M365 or Google domain. This may happen if the establishment did use to be federated and users were assigned email addresses, but then the establishment moved from a Premium (which allows federation) to a Basic licence.

Other Useful Articles

Parent Management in RM Unify (TEC6491614)
How to set an RM Unify password recovery email address (TEC6971363)

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Document Keywords: logon, log on, login, sign in, signing in, sign, sign-in, signin, signing, signing-in, log-in, logging in, logging, in, TEC6540401

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