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Installation services for RM Unify Network Provisioning
Published Date : 29 Jun 2018   Last Updated : 10 Apr 2024   Content Ref: TEC6284446  


Note: Standard installation is available for networks provisioned from one or more RM Unify establishments and to a single or shared network. For further information, please speak to your sales representative on 01235 645 316 or email getintouch@rm.com.


CC4 networks

Note: For CC4 customers, this is supported with networks on CC4.5 (i.e. where your CC4 First server is Windows Server® 2012R2 or later)

We can assist you in the checks and the installation of RM Unify Network Provisioning, for a small fee. Please speak to your sales representative and quote part number: 22W-742.

Active Directory networks (non-CC4)

RM Unify Network Provisioning must be installed and configured by RM.

Please speak to your sales representative and quote Part Number: 238-147.

The service takes approximately 3.5 hours and is delivered remotely.

Installation services for RM Unify Vanilla Network Provisioning are suitable for all schools, from small primary schools through to large secondary schools and multi-academy trusts.

RM Unify Vanilla Network Provisioning supports:

  • Creating and disabling users in vanilla Active Directory from RM Unify.
  • Ongoing synchronisation of user attributes.
  • Two-way synchronisation of passwords - RM Unify to AD and AD to RM Unify.

Installation services are suitable for both RM supplied vanilla networks and third-party supplied vanilla networks, in both greenfield and brownfield (pre-existing accounts) deployments.

Key deliverables include:

  1. Preparation
    • Pre-installation checks
    • RM Unify Password Filter preparation
    • RM Unify Network Agent preparation
    • Password policy preparation
  2. Installation
    • RM Unify Password Filter installation
    • RM Unify Network Agent installation
  3. Configuration
  4. Final steps
    • Post-installation checks
    • Testing
    • Go-Live / Enable User Provisioning

As part of the service, both RM Unify AD Sync and RM Unify LGfL USO Linked User Provisioning will be removed, if present.

The domain controller on which the RM Unify Network Agent is to be installed must be running an operating system of Windows Server 2012R2, 2016, 2019 or 2022.
Note: Core editions are not supported.

Domain controllers on which the RM Unify Password Filter is to be installed must be running an operating system of at least Windows Server 2012R2. Core editions are supported.

Note: The creation of the RM Unify accounts used by Network Provisioning is not included in this service. RM recommends that these accounts are created using RM Unify MIS Sync in Create mode, which can be set up as an additional chargeable service, or can be enabled by the RM Unify administrator at your establishment.

For more information, please speak with your sales representative.

Other Useful Articles

RM Unify Network Provisioning (TEC5797903)
RM Unify Network Provisioning - Prerequisites and preparation (TEC5797912)
FAQ for RM Unify Network Provisioning (TEC5832777)

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Document Keywords: unify, network, provisioning, ad, installation, service, sync, TEC6284446

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