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Users are presented with RM Unify Sign In page when using the RM Unify SSO URL
Published Date : 16 Sep 2016   Last Updated : 23 Jul 2024   Content Ref: TEC5311228  


Users browsing to your establishment's RM Unify SSO URL are being re-directed to the RM Unify Sign In page.

Image showing the RM Unify Sign In page


The most common causes of seeing the RM Unify Sign In page when using the SSO URL:

  1. SSO has not been enabled in the RM Unify Management Console.
  2. The wrong SSO URL is being used.
  3. The network username is not recognised as a user in RM Unify.
  4. The network password does not match the password held in RM Unify.
  5. The browser has blocked cookies.

Additionally, you may see one of the following text strings included in the URL on the redirected sign in page:

  • dssoNotEnabled.
  • InvalidPassword.
  • UnknownError.


SSO has not been enabled in the RM Unify Management Console
  1. Log on to RM Unify as a super admin user.
  2. Click Management Console, SSO Settings.
  3. Ensure the 'Enable single sign on for domain-joined Windows devices' radio button is ticked.

The wrong SSO URL is being used

Your RM Unify SSO URL will be in the format https://<scope>.rmunify.com/sso (for example, if your school's RM Unify scope is https://school.rmunify.com then your SSO URL will be https://school.rmunify.com/sso). To confirm the full URL:

  1. Log on to RM Unify as a super admin user.
  2. Click Management Console, SSO Settings.
  3. See the URL shown next to 'Homepage for domain joined Windows devices should be set to'. 

The network username is not recognised as a user in RM Unify

Check the user is showing in the RM Unify Management Console and is not disabled.

  1. Log on to RM Unify as a super admin user.
  2. Click Users and find the affected user.
  3. Confirm the user is enabled and ensure that the box near the first name is ticked.

The network password does not match the password held in RM Unify
  1. Check if all your domain controllers have RM Unify Password Filter v3 installed.
  2. On each domain controller, confirm there is an RMUnifyADSync.cer file in C:\Program Files\RM\RM Unify Password Filter\RMNetIdentityQueue.
  3. On the re-directed RM Unify Sign In page, confirm the user can log on using their RM Unify username and current network password.
  4. Log off and then log on to the computer as the same user.
  5. Browse to your site's RM Unify SSO URL and confirm the user now gets SSO access. All future SSO access attempts for this user should be successful.
  6. If the user subsequently changes their network password and reverts back to being re-directed to the RM Unify Sign In page then further diagnostics are needed. Please contact RM Cloud Support for assistance.

The browser has blocked cookies

Review the cookie setting relevant to your browser to ensure it is configured to allow cookies.

  1. In Chrome, for example, browse to chrome://settings/content?search=cookies.
  2. Under Permissions, click 'Cookies and site data'.
  3. Move the toggle by Blocked to enable 'Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended)'. 

Note: You could choose to block all cookies, but allow cookies from RM Unify only by adding https://[*.]rmunify.com:443. While this will allow RM Unify SSO to work, the user will still find other services will not function as expected e.g. being unable to access an Microsoft® 365™ account. This is because Microsoft also requires a browser to allow cookies for its services.

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Document Keywords: unify, sso, dsso, rmunify, single signon, single sign-on, sign-in, TEC5311228

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