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Enabling RM Remote Support within LGfL by configuring category 2 remote access tools
Published Date : 21 Oct 2015   Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024   Content Ref: TEC4809124  


** This only applies to London Grid for Learning (LGfL) customers. **

By default, on an LGfL Internet connection most remote access tools are blocked for all users and computers with the exception of Datto RMM (RMM), LogMeIn Enterprise and RaV3. At times you may need to facilitate remote access sessions using other products used by support providers such as RM Education.

This article details the steps required to enable RM Remote Support (rmsupport.online) for a network within LGfL.


Head teacher declaration

The head teacher of your establishment is the only person that has access to perform this step. Attempting this with a normal nominated contact account will not give you the required access. (If your establishment has no head teacher USO account defined, then you will need to contact the LGfL support desk on 0208 255 5555 or use their online support desk and complete the required steps before continuing.)

Also before completing this step the head teacher and all nominated contacts at the establishment must each have a registered OTP tag.

These OTP tags are available from https://shop.atomwide.com/ProductDetail.aspx?id=135&cat=7.

A school connected to LGfL may make a once-only request for OTP tags for all existing registered nominated contacts employed by the school, plus the head teacher, which will be paid for by LGfL. This offer does not apply to tags already purchased and any subsequent tags required because of loss of tag, or change of roles or personnel are not covered by this arrangement. Visit http://uso.im/otpapp for more details.

Only nominated contacts are able to raise support cases with LGfL. Visit https://support.lgfl.org.uk/public/usoreq.aspx inside school for a list of your nominated contacts.


Once the above conditions have been met, follow the steps below:

  1. Log on to the LGfL support portal at http://support.lgfl.org.uk with your USO details and enter your OTP tag code to access the system.
  2. Hover the mouse over the My Account tab and select 'Declaration management' from the drop-down list.
Image showing 'Declaration management'

  1. If you have access to multiple establishments, then from the Establishment drop-down menu, select the correct site and then from the Declaration drop-down menu, select 'LGfL 2.0: Access to Category 2 Remote Tools'. The following screen will be displayed as shown in the image below.
  2. If you are using the head teacher USO account, the 'OTP number' field will become live. 
  3. Enter the OTP number from the head teacher's OTP tag and click Approve.
Image showing the 'OTP number' field

Support case completion

As soon as the head teacher clicks Approve, a support case is generated on the LGfL support site. This triggers two specific actions which are implemented by LGfL Support:

  • A new category becomes visible in the WebScreen list of categories called Remote Access Tools. This will be blocked in all policies and cannot be modified. A nominated contact with WebScreen administrator rights will need to allow individual URLs required within the individual school based policies.
  • A number of category 2 sites are blocked through firewall settings which deny access to specific IP addresses. These restrictions are lifted without the need for any policy changes.

Once LGfL Support notifies you that the support case has been completed then you will be able to carry out any required changes within the WebScreen utility.

WebScreen administration

Note: You will need LGfL WebScreen 2.0 administrator access to the WebScreen 2.0 section of https://support.lgfl.org.uk in order to carry out the steps outlined below.

  1. Log in to https://support.lgfl.org.uk as a user with the access rights of 'LGfL WebScreen 2.0 administrator access' for the establishment.
  2. Click WebScreen 2.0 and select 'Local URLs and keywords' from the drop-down list.
  3. If necessary, select the school name from the Establishment drop-down list.
  4. Click 'Add URL or Keyword'.
  5. Enter in the 'URL or Keyword' field (see below image).
  6. Enter RM Support Online in the Comment field (see below image).
  7. Highlight all groups listed in the 'not set' column and click the left arrow to move the groups into the Allowed column; upon doing this a warning message will be presented, click Proceed.
Image showing the Allowed and 'not set' columns

  1. Click Back and ensure the new rule is listed as shown in the image below.
Image showing the new rule

  1. Click 'Add URL or Keyword'.
  2. Enter rmsupport.online in the 'URL or Keyword' field.
  3. Enter RM Support Online in the Comment field.
  4. Highlight all groups listed in the 'not set' column and click the left arrow to move the groups into the Allowed column; upon doing this a warning message will be presented, click proceed.
  5. Click Back and ensure the new rule is listed.

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Document Keywords: lgfl, remote, access, rmsupport.online, rm support, online, category 2, cat 2, rm remote support, AEM, Autotask Endpoint Management, CentraStage, Centra Stage

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