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RM Unify - Attributes used by RM Unify and Microsoft 365
Published Date : 24 Aug 2015   Last Updated : 26 Apr 2023   Content Ref: TEC4699981  


RM Unify uses a number of data sources and populates pre-defined fields in Microsoft® 365™ when provisioning users.


The following table shows the source of RM Unify attributes and the ones which are passed to a user's Microsoft 365 account:

Destination Microsoft 365 attribute RM Unify attribute Data source of RM Unify user Source of RM Unify attribute value Example
First name First name

RM Unify AD Sync

AD attribute: givenName

If the field is blank, RM Unify populates with '?'

e.g. Iain

RM Unify Management Console

MIS MIS record
Last name Last name RM Unify AD Sync

AD attribute: sn

If the field is blank, RM Unify populates with '?'

e.g. Maclean

RM Unify Management Console

MIS MIS record
 n/a User name RM Unify AD Sync

AD attribute: sAMAccountName

e.g. iainmaclean
Manual/CSV RM Unify Management Console
MIS RM Unify Management Console
Display name Display name RM Unify AD Sync

AD attribute: displayName

If the field is blank, a display name is generated using a concatenation of <first name> <last name>.

e.g. Iain Maclean
Manual/CSV RM Unify Management Console
MIS Generated internally by RM Unify using the format: <title><first initial>.<last name>
My Profile Logged in staff users can edit their own display name via Profile Settings, Account Details


Identity GUID RM Unify AD Sync

AD attribute: objectGUID

(Unless the attribute listed for the IdentityGuidSource in the 'RM.Networks.IdentityManagement.Config' file has a populated value in AD, e.g. rmCom2000-UsrMgr-uPN)

Manual/CSV Generated internally by RM Unify
MIS Generated internally by RM Unify

User Principal Name

UnifyEmailAddress RM Unify AD Sync

AD attribute: the 'mail' or other AD attribute selected in the RM Unify AD Sync Config Tool

If no attribute has been configured in RM Unify AD Sync Config Tool, it will be generated internally by RM Unify using sAMAccountName@M365 domain

e.g. iainmaclean@school.com
Manual/CSV RM Unify Management Console
MIS RM Unify Management Console
Department RM Unify establishment display name and DfE code n/a

RM Unify Management Console

e.g. The Unify School (1110000)
Street address School DfE code n/a

RM Unify Management Console

e.g. 1110000
Title (shown as 'Job title') User role RM Unify AD Sync

Derived from profilePath, OU or group membership, depending on the role mapping configuration of RM Unify AD Sync Config Tool

e.g. Student
Manual/CSV RM Unify Management Console
MIS MIS record
Office YearofEntry RM Unify AD Sync

For CC4 networks: CC4 YoE
For vanilla networks: AD group membership/OU via the YoE mapping configuration in the RM Unify AD Sync Config Tool

The year the user would have entered Y1 or P1, e.g. 2022
Manual/CSV RM Unify Management Console
MIS MIS record

More Information

Where the Microsoft 365 domain has been federated to RM Unify, RM Unify (as the identity provider) has been granted the authority to sync the above attributes to the users' accounts. An attempt to permanently change some of the above attributes, either via the 'Microsoft 365 admin center', or via Windows® PowerShell®, may have unintended consequences. In most cases, any change in Microsoft 365 will be reverted the next time data is synced from RM Unify. This could be a single user sync, or could be a sync of all data (e.g. following an RM Unify AD Sync resync).

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Document Keywords: ad, sync, ad, rmpassword, unify, ad, active directory, o365, m365, TEC4699981, mis sync

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