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Microsoft 365 - How to raise a support request with Microsoft
Published Date : 13 Jun 2014   Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024   Content Ref: TEC3877606  


If you need help with Microsoft® 365™, you have the facility to log a free support request with Microsoft Support directly. This article explains the steps needed to do this.

An RM Unify Premium support contract entitles customers to support with the aspects of Microsoft 365 which RM Unify interacts with, e.g. user provisioning, edu class and 365 Group provisioning, licensing, unlicensing, email addresses, etc. but does not provide full support for all Microsoft 365 features and functionality.


A Microsoft 365 account with either the Global Administrator, Helpdesk Admin, or Service Support Admin role account can log issues regarding the operation, administration, or maintenance of the Microsoft 365 domain or tenancy.


Logging a new support request
  1. Go to https://portal.office.com/AdminPortal/Home#/homepage in the new 'Microsoft 365 admin center'.
  2. Log on as a Microsoft 365 account which has either the Global admin, Helpdesk admin, or Service support admin role assigned. The 'Microsoft 365 admin center' opens.
  3. Click '… Show all'.
  4. Click  and follow the link to create a 'New service request'.
  5. A 'How can we help?' pop-out window will appear and you will be prompted to search for relevant articles before progressing to log your support request/ticket.
  6. After searching for at least one article, a 'Contact support' button will appear - click it.
  7. RM Partner support details will be displayed; the phone number is for RM Support and can be used. The email address of aaetazureopsliveid@rm.com is not to be used for RM Unify related support issues or queries.
  8. Click the 'New Microsoft service request' link to continue through to log a free request with Microsoft 365 support.
Image showing 'New Microsoft service request'


Checking the status of your service requests
You can track the status of any service request that has been logged by clicking 'View service requests' from the same menu.

More Information

Non-admin users logging support requests
Alternatively, for education establishments, end users without any kind of administrator role can also log support requests for Microsoft Teams, Stream, Forms, OneNote Class Notebook, Microsoft Edge, and other Microsoft products via https://edusupport.microsoft.com/support.

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If this article has not helped provide a solution then it is also possible to log a call...

Document Keywords: o365, 365, office 365, service desk, help, ticket, helpdesk, support, Microsoft, support call, call, log, partner, How to raise a service request with Microsoft, m365, TEC3877606

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