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How to enable PXE booting on RM PC310 (Intel DQ67OW)
Published Date : 27 Aug 2013   Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024   Content Ref: TEC3435153  


System will not network boot

RM PC310 (IntelŽ DQ67OW) are not always enabled for network (PXE) booting when they leave the RM factory.


Boot options
You will need to enable the network boot option in the BIOS to enable boot from PXE.


BIOS password

You will need the BIOS administrator password to be able to change the necessary settings.


Setting the network boot option
  1. Enter the BIOS using the administrator password (default is 'rm' without single quotes).
  2. Select the Boot tab.
  3. Select Boot To Network.
  4. Select Enable then press Enter to save.
  5. Press F10 to save and exit.
  6. Restart the system.
  7. Press F10 to get a boot list.
  8. Select IBA to PXE boot.

Possible Issues

Not booting to Windows
If the system is not booting correctly after this change, check the boot order is correct in the BIOS.

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Document Keywords: PXE, network boot, build, F9, F12, F6, F10, 3435153, TEC3435153

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