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CSV file format for import and export of users in RM Unify
Published Date : 24 May 2013   Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024   Content Ref: TEC3274284  


This article describes the format of the user CSV file used in two processes in Management Console:

  • Import: creating, updating and deleting users in RM Unify, via 'Sync from CSV'.
  • Export: getting an extract of all, or some, of your users from Management Console.

Because the same CSV file format is used for both extracting and importing user data, some fields are ignored on import. Please see the Notes column for details on each field.

Please also note that, this article is intended primarily for the bulk editing and updating of CSV or manually provisioned RM Unify accounts.


Parent accounts
Parent accounts cannot be updated or amended using a CSV file upload. Parent accounts and their attributes are synced exclusively from your MIS using MIS Sync.


  • The column headers (titles) in the CSV file must not be altered from the default. This applies whether the file has been created from the CSV Extraction Tool, or is a sample file, or current user list, downloaded from within the RM Unify Management Console.
  • The maximum CSV file is 2MB or 5000 rows.

The following table describes the data that must be present in the CSV file and the permitted types, values etc:

Column title

Data required on Import?


Max char


PersonID Optional String 64 If the CSV was generated from the RM Unify CSV Extraction Tool, the PersonID will be the AD ObjectId (e.g., 6b330178-3985-4d74-9db2-3ab92d30e6cd).
If the field is left blank, the username will be used to find the user that needs to be updated.
Username Required String 20 The username entered at the login page.
Note: This does not include the RM Unify scope.
Note: You cannot change a username via CSV upload. Please see TEC4196474 and TEC6902586 in the Other Useful Articles section below for alternative instructions.
Password Optional String 20

For new users, a password is required.

For existing users:

  • If the 'Overwrite passwords for existing RM Unify users' radio button is not selected, the Password field is ignored.
  • If the 'Overwrite passwords for existing RM Unify users' radio button is selected, then the user's RM Unify password will be updated if the CSV Password field has been populated.

Note 1: Minimum password length is four characters when entered through the CSV import. When users change their own passwords, a role-appropriate complexity threshold is enforced.

Note 2: Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff users are not prompted to change their password at next logon after having it reset via CSV upload.

Note 3: Only manually created users, or those created via CSV or AD Sync can have their passwords changed via CSV, not those created via MIS Sync.

Note 4: It is not possible to download RM Unify passwords via a CSV download of existing users.

DisplayName Required String 256

As intended for display in the RM Unify apps, e.g. Mr. B Cox.

Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff users have the ability to edit their own display name via the My Profile page.

FirstName Required String 64 As described.
LastName Required String 64 As described.
Role Required String -

The role fulfilled by the user:

  • Student.
  • NonTeachingStaff.
  • TeachingStaff.
  • Governor.
  • Other.

Note: It is not possible to create, edit, or delete Parent users via CSV upload.


Optional for students,

Ignored for non-students

String 4 The calendar year the student entered P1 or Y1, e.g. 2013.
Although optional this is a desirable value to have for students as it makes their experience in apps far better.
HomeEmailAddress Ignored String 100

Import: This column can be left blank as data will be ignored by RM Unify. We rely on users providing and verifying their own personal email address for password recovery.

Export: This column will be populated with the email address verified by the user, partly obfuscated with *** for privacy.

MisId Optional Type 64

A pipe-delimited list of MIS Identifiers. The current list of accepted types is:

  • UPN - Unique Pupil Number.
  • SIMSAdmissionsNumber.
  • MISInternalKey - for SIMS, this would be the database PK for the user row.
  • SIFRefID - the RefID of the person object.
  • SCN - Scottish Candidate Number.
  • TeacherID - Teacher ID.
  • ULN - Unique Learner Number.

Examples of valid entries:

  • MISInternalKey:1254.
  • SCN:P850100109021.
  • UPN:P850100109021|MISInternalKey:1254.
UnifyEmailAddress Ignored String 100

Import: This column is ignored. New users will get a unique email address generated based on their username. Any changes to existing email addresses must be done via AD Sync or through the Management Console directly, either on a per-user basis or in bulk. Please refer to TEC8279830 in the Other Useful Articles section below.

Export: This column will be populated with the user's email address; the one uploaded via AD Sync, assigned directly in the Management Console, or assigned via the Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace federation.

LastLoggedOn Ignored Date 16

Import: This column is ignored.

Export: This column will be populated with the date and time that the user last logged on, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM. This format is recognised as a date by Excel, so you can sort the CSV data if required. Note that this is the GMT timestamp to provide consistency all year round.

If the value is blank on export, it suggests that the user has not logged on since 01-01-2017.

Possible Issues

Error "The username is already in use by another user in your establishment."
This error can appear when the username indicated in the CSV has already been used in RM Unify previously, i.e. if the account has been recreated with the same name after being deleted. In these cases RM Unify will fail to update the new user. This defect is due to be resolved in an upcoming Release. Until that time, please log a call with RM Support who will be able to resolve the issue for you.

Other Useful Articles

Error "Username cannot be changed by CSV upload" displayed when you upload a .csv file in RM Unify (TEC4196474)
Change RM Unify email addresses in bulk (TEC8279830)
RM Unify MIS User Rename (TEC6902586)
Error when changing RM Unify email addresses in bulk (TEC9062919)

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Document Keywords: 3274284, rm unify, unify, csv, import, export, errors, CSV file format for import and export of users in RM Unify, upload, validation, message, messages, error message, error messages, correct, TEC3274284

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