When terms such as 'Monday tape' etc. are used below, they refer to the tape that is used on a Monday; it does not mean that the label of the tape when viewed in Backup Exec is Monday. It is more likely to be a unique reference, something like 'Tape005' and when it wears out it may be replaced by, for example, 'Tape022', but that would still be the 'Monday tape'.
Daily differential We recommend that you keep four daily differential backup sets for Monday to Thursday on four different tapes. The default overwrite time set for the Daily Differential Backups media is six days. Remember that this is measured from the time the last backup ended, not when it started. Thus Monday's tape cannot be overwritten again until the following Monday due to the six day overwrite protection period.
It is worth noting that an append protection period is not set by default (i.e. the tapes are always append able) which means that any daily differential tape left in the drive could be appended to night after night. This will reduce the need to swap tapes but again this does not offer any protection against physical disaster and increases the amount of data that will be lost if there is an issue with that one tape.
Action: Change the daily differential tape(s) every day and rotate all four tapes (or sets of tapes) in turn.
Weekly full We recommend that you execute weekly full backups to be used on successive Fridays (Friday1, Friday2, etc.) on four different tapes or sets of tapes.
The only way to fully recover a server to its most recent state is with the most recent full backup plus the most recent differential. As soon as the weekly full backup is complete, the tape(s) should be taken to a safe location far away from the servers and backup unit to protect them in case fire/flood/theft causes loss of servers or backup units. They should not be returned to the autoloader until Friday of the fourth week after they were last used. The default overwrite protection period is eight days which means that if Friday1 tapes were used in Friday3, they could be overwritten which is probably undesirable.
Action: Change the weekly full backup tapes every Monday and keep them out of the autoloader until the Friday they are required.
Spare/scratch tapes Finally, it is prudent to keep at least one spare/scratch tape in the autoloader so that should there be any issues with the intended tape, the backup is not lost because the system will default to using this tape from that point in the backup on. The system will show an alert to make you aware of this issue so it can be investigated to understand the extent of the failure. |