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Troubleshooting SSL Connect
Published Date : 19 Mar 2020   Last Updated : 23 Jul 2024   Content Ref: TEC7269808  


Gathering diagnostic information

If users experience problems while using SSL Connect, our support engineers will be able to help you better if you make a note of the following information:

What happens when you click the SSL Connect tile?

  • Does it start to install the plugin? What Windows messages are displayed (see 'Installing the MSI software' on page 8 of the Admin Guide)?
  • Is the F5 'Network and Application Access' helper window displayed?

Has the F5 Networks client software been installed?

  • Is it shown in the Add/Remove Programs list?
  • If it hasn't been installed via the browser, try using the MSI (see 'Installing the MSI software' on page 8 of the Admin Guide).

What status is shown in the 'Network and Application Access' helper window?

  • Is it 'Connected'?
  • If not, what does the status message say (see 'Network and Application Access' helper diagnostics' on page 22 of the Admin Guide)?

Does DNS work - can I use 'nslookup'?

For instructions, see 'I get connected but then nothing works' on page 23 of the Admin Guide.

Do no applications work, or only a particular one?

If you can get some resources but not others, then check that the hostname resolves correctly.

Is there a local firewall in the school?

The SSL Connect VPN terminates behind the Central RM Firewall, protecting your site. However, if you have a local school firewall, it will need to be configured to allow the traffic from the SSL VPN IP Pool (see page 15 of the Admin Guide).

Do you have an active RM Unify subscription that includes SSL Connect?

Please check your RM Unify subscription from the RM Unify Management Console.

'Network and Application Access' helper diagnostics

In the 'Network and Application Access' helper window, click 'Show details' to access various diagnostic aids.

Image showing various diagnostic aids

The 'Show routing table' and 'Show IP configuration' information will be very helpful to the Support Desk in resolving issues.

To obtain very detailed log files, use 'Enable logging' and 'Show log file'. These can be exported and sent to RM if required.


Resolving known issues

"School ID is not configured for SSL VPN"

If this message is displayed instead of the F5 Webtop, the site has not been configured correctly. If you have been told by the delivery team that SSL Connect has been configured, please log a support request with the Support Desk.

"This page can't be displayed"

If you see a message like this after clicking the tile, a failed logout is preventing you from starting a new session. To clear the stuck session, close all the browser windows, log on to RM Unify and try again.

Unable to install the browser plugin?

If you don't already have the F5 software installed, then when you first try using SSL Connect you will be prompted to install a browser plugin. However, we recommend that instead of following those prompts, you install the F5 software from the MSI (see page 8 of the Admin Guide).

Further information about the browser installation is given in 'Appendix III: Installing the F5 plugin via Internet Explorer' and 'Appendix IV: Notes on other browsers' sections of the Admin Guide.

The connection attempt gets stuck at 'Finalizing'

The 'Network and Application Access' window may show a persistent status of 'Finalizing' instead of 'Connected'. If this happens, check that there isn't a UAC prompt that has not been accepted.

I get connected but then nothing works, can you resolve hostnames via DNS?

  1. Open a command prompt (cmd.exe).
  2. Type nslookup www.rm.com.
  3. Check the 'Ping statistics for' address (e.g. This should be the school's DNS server address which you gave to RM when ordering the SSL Connect service.
  4. If the address is correct, try to ping it and traceroute to it. If you need to change that IP address, raise a service call with RM, including this DNS diagnostic information.

"Disconnected - Couldn't open proxy server"

You may see this message on networks where an incorrect proxy server setup is being used and the plugin is being installed via the browser.

Make sure that the system-level proxy details match those in Windows® Internet Explorer, as follows:

  1. As a user with administrative privileges, open a command prompt (cmd.exe).
  2. Type netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie.

The system proxy details are now set to match those configured in Internet Explorer. Close Internet Explorer, reopen it and log on again.

Connection fails, status is 'Disconnected' and then the 'Network and Application Access' window closes

The connection may fail, with the 'Network and Application Access' window closing before you have time to read any error message. This happens when the number of concurrent users exceeds the number of licences purchased.

Make sure your users know they should sign out of RM Unify after they have finished using SSL Connect.

The message (see image below), "RM Unify Signing out... Signing out of SSL Connect will also sign you out of RM Unify..." is seen by all users, on any device, after clicking the SSL Connect tile.

This can occur if:

  • your SSL Connect subscription has expired.
  • there is a problem with the order to activate/deactivate your SSL Connect licences.
  • there is a technical configuration issue with your SSL Connect order.

Please ask your RM Unify super admin to check your subscriptions from the RM Unify Management Console and if this seems to be correct, please log a support call for further investigation.

Image showing the "Signing out" message


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Document Keywords: ssl, ssl connect, SSL Connect, connect, troubleshooting ssl connect, troubleshooting SSL Connect, rm unify ssl, rm unify ssl connect, admin guide, ssl admin guide, ssl connect guide

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