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In a Chrome browser, users are redirected to the 'RM Unify automatic login' page when using RM Unify SSO URL
Published Date : 23 Sep 2019   Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024   Content Ref: TEC6979791  


When using the RM Unify SSO URL in a Chrome browser, users are redirected to the 'RM Unify automatic login' page and the automatic logon fails. However, the same Windows user on the same domain joined device can successfully use Windows® Internet Explorer or Microsoft® Edge to automatically log on using the RM Unify SSO URL.

For example, if your school's RM Unify SSO URL is https://testschool.rmunify.com/sso, users successfully SSO to RM Unify using Internet Explorer or Edge, however Chrome redirects users to https://sts.platform.rmunify.com/auth/UnifyAuth/testschool/false.

Image showing the 'RM Unify automatic login' page


By default, a Chrome browser will use the settings configured in the Internet Options, including the use of Windows integrated authentication. If Chrome-specific policies are applied to the device, this can alter the default behaviour.

This issue has been seen to occur when the Chrome registry setting 'authentication server whitelist' has been applied to the device, either manually or via group policy. It creates and populates the following registry key:



Please review the Chrome setting with your usual network support provider to identify if this setting is required and remove, if appropriate.

If you are using a Community Connect 4 (CC4) network, please review the Google Advanced setting contained in the Internet & Email GPO, or other custom settings that may be applying to users.

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Document Keywords: dsso, sso, single sign in, sign-in, sign on, sign-on, rm unify automatic login, false, troubleshoot, https://sts.platform.rmunify.com/auth/UnifyAuth/, TEC6979791, unify

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