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Technologies reaching or passed EoL (end of life) and your options
Published Date : 17 May 2018   Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024   Content Ref: TEC6226235  


This article describes the technologies that are approaching EoL (end of life) shortly. It outlines potential options for upgrades or replacement so that you can consider the routes available to you to ensure consistency of teaching and learning. If you have any further queries, then please speak to your Sales representative (or call us on 01235 645 316 or visit http://www.rm.com/contact).

Note: Some of the articles referenced below have access rights on them that limit their availability to RM contract holders.

Note: Those items highlighted in yellow have already passed their EoL date.


Technologies reached / reaching EOL soon

Technology Description EOL Why? What are my options?
CC4 Anywhere v2.5 Remote Access 30/06/2018 This date is based on the end of support date from Citrix (for XenApp 6.5). RM recommends CC4 Access or SSL Connect.
RMVP Anti-virus solution based on Symantec Endpoint Protection 30/08/2018 We have partnered with Trend Micro to offer a best of breed solution for the best pricing, thus RMVP is no longer available from RM. RM recommends Trend Micro.
vSphere 5.5 and 6.0 VMware virtualisation platforms



These dates are 'end of technical guidance' dates from VMware for 5.5 and 6.0 respectively.

RM can assist you in upgrading your VMware estate; please contact your Sales representative. We currently recommend vSphere 7.

Note: vSphere 6.5 and 6.7 will reach end of 'technical guidance' in November 2023.

Windows 7 Microsoft Windows client operating system 14/01/2020 Microsoft are no longer releasing security patches for Windows 7.

RM recommends Windows 10. Please speak to your Sales representative or use the details above to contact RM for more information. Also refer to NWS6692419 below.

Note: If you have an OVS-ES agreement then you should already be licensed for Windows 10.

Windows 10 Microsoft Windows client operating system Varies

Windows 10 is described as 'Windows as a Service'. We recommend that you keep your Windows 10 estate up-to-date to ensure that your are secured against malware, etc.

CC4 customers can refer to NWS4705333 and NWS7017655 from the Other Useful Articles section below for up to date information on the latest supported versions.

Vanilla customers should review the information here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/13853/windows-lifecycle-fact-sheet.

Windows Server 2008R2 Microsoft Windows server operating system 14/01/2020 Microsoft are no longer releasing security patches for Windows Server 2008R2.

RM recommends upgrading to a later server OS.

RM provides an installation service so that CC4 customers can be upgraded to CoP (Connect on Prem). Also, please see NWS6693517 from the Other Useful Articles section below.

For vanilla customers, we offer Windows Server 2016/2019/2022 networks.

Windows Server 2012R2 Microsoft Windows server operating system 10/10/2023 This server OS will be out of support from October 2023 (it is currently in extended support).

RM recommends upgrading your servers to a later server OS.

RM provides an installation service so that CC4 customers can be upgraded to CoP (Connect on Prem). Also, please see NWS6693517 from the Other Useful Articles section below.

For vanilla customers, we offer Windows Server 2019 and 2022 networks.

Internet Explorer 11 Microsoft Browser From July 2022 IE11 is now being phased out by Microsoft and you should switch to Microsoft Edge as it is a modern, safe browser. Please see TEC8587300 in the Other Useful Articles section below for more advice for CC4 customers relying on IE11. We have released a new CC4 OneDrive Sync package (as the old RM OneDrive Mapper was built on scripts that relied on IE11).
RM Portico 1.9 Remote access to school work from home This went EOL in Sept 2020   Consider moving your data to a cloud-based solution such as Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace. Users can then access this data via permitted devices.
Roaming Profile Support on CC4 W10 Roaming Profiles W10 v1909 is the last release to support this. Roaming Profiles are no longer supported on CC4. UE-V is the modern replacement for Roaming Profiles. See the links for UE-V from the Other Useful Articles section below.
Office 2010 Microsoft suite 13/10/2020 https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/End-of-support-for-Office-2010-3A3E45DE-51AC-4944-B2BA-C2E415432789 RM provides CC4 packages for Office 2019 and Microsoft 365 ProPlus. Speak to your Sales representative for more information.
Office 2013 Microsoft suite 11/04/2023 This version has issues with the current switch-off of Basic Authentication support in M365. See TEC8854320 from the Other Useful Articles section below for more information.

RM provides CC4 packages for Office 2019 and Microsoft 365 ProPlus. Speak to your Sales representative for more information.

See TEC8854320 from the Other Useful Articles section below for more information on the Basic Authentication deprecation.

Exchange Server 2007 and Exchange Server 2010 SP3

Microsoft email and calendar server




Exchange 2007 and 2010 are now EOL. Consider moving to cloud-based mail solutions such as Microsoft 365 (although if you wish to keep this on-prem, later Exchange versions are available and RM can help you to migrate).
Serviced MECM Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager Varies SCCM has been renamed to MECM.

You should consider upgrading to MECM v2203 or above. For more information, please contact RM or your Sales representative.

MDT Microsoft Deployment Toolkit is a free tool for automating Windows OS deployment Varies Please click the Varies link on the left to review the end of life information. The latest version of MDT can be downloaded from: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=54259.
WDS Windows Deployment Services - another free tool for automating Windows OS deployment Please note that Windows 11 cannot be deployed via WDS. We recommend moving to MDT (or MECM) if you need to deploy Windows 11 in your estate (e.g. for vanilla AD, Intune use). https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/deployment/wds-boot-support
Adobe Flash Popular web tool 31/12/2020 Adobe retired Flash at the end of 2020. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/lifecycle/announcements/adobe-flash-end-of-support
Google Print Google's Cloud Print solution 31/12/2020 Google retired this offering at the end of 2020. https://support.google.com/chrome/a/answer/9633006?hl=en

Other Useful Articles

How to migrate from Windows 7 to Windows 10 (NWS6692419)
Moving from Windows Server 2008R2 (NWS6693517)

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Document Keywords: TEC6226235, eol, eos, end of support, cc4

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