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Provisioning Microsoft 365 accounts and mailboxes when your domain is federated to RM Unify
Published Date : 14 Aug 2017   Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024   Content Ref: TEC5826454  

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You have federated your Microsoft® 365™ domain to RM Unify which is now managing your user provisioning, licensing and single sign-on (SSO) access to Microsoft 365.

What email address will / can I have in Microsoft 365?

  • Option 1: RM Unify will automatically provision an Microsoft 365 email address based on the format <RM Unify username>@<federated Microsoft 365 domain>.
  • Option 2: It is possible, at the point of federating Microsoft 365 to RM Unify, to manually enter an alternative (override) email address, different from option 1, within the Microsoft 365 federation wizard's user matching screen (i.e., when first installing the Microsoft 365 tiles to users' Launch Pads).
  • Option 3: If you are provisioning your RM Unify users via AD Sync, the 'mail' attribute can be enabled for all users in a chosen AD Filter, which allows for an email address stored in your AD accounts' chosen attribute to be used instead, again, as an override to option 1.

I am using the AD Sync 'mail' attribute, what should I be aware of?

  • Once your RM Unify account has an email override set for Microsoft 365, by way of the 'mail' attribute in the AD Sync Configuration Tool, all changes to the desired email address must be made in the 'mail' attribute of the user's AD account.
  • Whilst it is possible to sync any email address from AD, via AD Sync, into a user's RM Unify account, only an email address on the Microsoft 365 domain federated to RM Unify will be viable.

Can I have a Microsoft 365 alias email address?

Yes, an alias can be set manually in the Microsoft 365 Exchange Admin centre, but it must meet a number of conditions: 

  • The alias needs to be in your RM Unify federated domain, or another domain, as long as that domain is present in the same Microsoft 365 tenancy.
  • The alias must not be present as an email address or alias for any other Microsoft 365 account in your tenancy.

Additionally, when an RM Unify username changes and this results in a new Microsoft 365 email address, the old email address will be set as an alias. There is an exception to this rule, which is detailed in TEC4024768 in the Other Useful Articles section below.

How does RM Unify sign me in to Microsoft 365 via SSO?

For an RM Unify user to be taken to their mailbox after clicking the Microsoft 365 Mail tile, the following conditions must be met:

  • The mailbox must be in the Microsoft 365 domain federated to RM Unify.
  • The Microsoft 365 account must be licensed (in particular with the Exchange Online licence).
  • The Microsoft 365 email (linked to RM Unify) must be populated with the ImmutableId that matches the RM Unify Identity GUID.

Is it possible to have a primary Microsoft 365 email address different from the Microsoft 365 UPN (UserPrincipalName)?

When provisioning Microsoft 365 accounts from RM Unify, the primary Microsoft 365 email address will be kept in sync with the UPN. Whilst it is possible to provide different values for these two Microsoft 365 attributes (via Windows® PowerShell only*), any further sync of the user's data from RM Unify will simply revert the change back.

* trying to do this through the Microsoft 365 Admin centre will present a message advising that the UPN will be changed to match the primary email address.

Other Useful Articles

Microsoft 365 email address of an RM Unify user is not updated when their username changes (TEC4024768)

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Document Keywords: 0365, provisioning, office 365 accounts, mailbox, o365 mailbox, federated domain, m365, TEC5826454

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